Friday, July 04, 2003

Right now Megan's cat, Mr. Willowwinks, is sitting on my lap. He's not usually this lovey-dovey but he jumped up here & is purring like crazy. He's doing the kitty dance on my stomach too. He must be in a trance.

I'm not even supposed to be here right now. Remember my shaking car? Well, its not the tires or engine, its most likely the transmission which will have to be rebuilt for around $1000. My cars only worth maybe $2000.

By the time we got to the transmission place they had closed...we missed them by 15 minutes...that's a terrible feeling.

I guess I was tired & bummed & I started crying. I probably cried for a good 2-3 hours last night. I was bummed because I didn't know how I was going to get to Orlando for the weekend but I called my parents & they said they'd meet me halfway, in Lakeland. (Poor dad, that's where he's working right now & he was just pulling in when I called & told them my bad news-he drove all the way back to pick me up, thanks dad!) :)

I was also bummed because I was wanting to spend time with Ray. We even had plans for last night to go to the movie in the park & he was also supposed to come to Orlando Saturday evening but something came up. :(

So, last night Ray drove me out to Lakeland & gave up his night & my parents drove me to Orlando. We got there around 10, I showered & around 11 I drove to Trent & Allison's where Megan was hanging out with some of the others. Trent & Ali live in our old neighborhood, which I hadn't been to in almost a year.

So before I went to their house I drove to the back of the neighborhood to see the house I grew up in. Even though I'd been away for a year when I drove through there it still felt like I did it everyday. It was very streange, like I'd never left.

And when I saw my old house I started to cry. I'm not sure why. Its not like I really miss it, I think its just because its where I grew up & I have so many memories there. It still looks the same too. I was ready to get out of the car & walk inside. :)

Anyway, after my trip down memory lane I went to see everyone. They were almost done with an anime movie & most of them seemed happy for the interruption. It was lots of fun. I ate leftover Chinese food, I tried some weird concotion of chinese noodles, chocolate chips, peanut butter & marshmallows for dessert (Alfred's idea), & I saw in the kitchen talking to Megan, Allison & John. That was fun. The others went to the front room to finish the movie.

The 4 of us still in the kitchen proceeded to throw little marshmallows at each other & try to get them in each others mouths. The only one who succeeded was John, it went right in my mouth, but he also managed to get me right in the middle of the forehead one time.

We all ended up in the front room & I fell asleep on the floor. I was exhausted. I don't rememver the last time I was up that late.

We finally got home around 3. It was a fun night, but not what I had expected to do at all.

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