Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm not going to go into details about the weekend, I spent so a bit of time writing the post that disappeared & I don't feel like writing about it again.

I will say that Sunday was a very long day at church with the kids. Starbucks definitely called my name & I wanted it so bad that I had a dream about it before I woke up that morning.

I went to Starbucks & couldn't decide what I wanted so I let my sister go first. I then ordered a grande non-fat caramel macchiatto. I went to the bar to add some half & half but they didn't have any over there so I had to go back to the counter. They also added extra syrup for me while I was up there.

Moral of the dream: I go to Starbucks too much. Or, maybe I enjoy going there a little too much. :) It was kind of weird to have such a vivid (& realistic!) dream.

Anyway, today I had 4 ladies & their kids over for lunch. I made baby baked potatoes rolled in kosher salt & filled with sour cream & white cheddar, pesto tomato & mozzarella sandwiches, pineapple cream cheese dip & my infamous sausage balls. For dessert we had pecan tarts, snowballs, peanut butter hershey kiss cookies, rice crispie cookies & bourbon balls. Rachel also made puppy chow (I LOVE that stuff & it was a big hit with the kids) & Jen brought some yummy cookies with rolos in the center. She made them last night but only brought 5 today because Gabe, her husband, ate most of them last night!

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