Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I didn't have the best of days yesterday so when I got home I popped some pain killers, put a pizza in the oven, soaked my feet & drank some tea. Yes, that's right, tea. not coffee. You're all shocked aren't you?

Anyway, Mom & Megan came over for part of the weekend & I know we didn't do a whole lot but it still seemed like the time passed rather quickly. We did a little shopping at Super Target, Bombay & Marshalls, rented a couple of movies, hit up Starbucks, a lot of the usual type of stuff.

I slept in much later than normal on Saturday but when I did wake up Mom & I made a pancake & bacon breakfast & used my Jim Beam Maple Syrup. I think I was the only one who truly liked it but I thought it was really good! Genius idea combining bourbon & maple syrup in my opinion. :)

Mom & I made a morning Starbucks run which lasted until around 1:00 in the afternoon. :) We then made it over to Charisse's new house to check out the changes they've done over there. It's incredible how much they've done in such a short time. The place is looking so much better than when they bought it last month.

Saturday evening we made a steak, salad & baked potato dinner & watched Serenity & The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Both were good but I'm sure I would've enjoyed Serenity more if I'd seen the series it was based on, Firefly. I hear great things about it so maybe I'll have to watch the DVDs sometime.

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