Thursday, March 16, 2006

I feel as if I've been slightly MIA on blogger the past few days.

Saturday continued to be just as glorious as I posted (I don't really remember specifics for teh rest of the day though) & Sunday was church. I took my Sunday School kids (K-3) through some of Exodus, talking about the Israelites, Moses, the Egyptians, the Red Sea, wandering the desert & ending with manna from heaven. The "manna" I gave them (broken saltines) ended up being a bit messy but I think they liked it.

After church some of us went out to Olive Garden for lunch -I LOVE the alfredo sauce for the breadsticks & then we relaxed at home. After the evening meeting we had a Sunday School teachers meeting & then Ray & I again went to Con & Rach's. Rachel's mom, Bonnie was in town too & the three of us girls watched the new Pride & Prejudice while the guys gamed. I think we left sometime after midnight.

The rest of this week has been pretty occupied with cleaning. In a good way though. I worked at really getting areas cleaned AND organized (kitchen, family room, bed room, etc.) & hopefully the upkeep will be easier now. It makes me feel so good to wake up in the morning to a very clean house.

Piano lessons are still going well I actually have six today & then afterwards we're going to Rachel's for dinner. That baby is still hanging on & keeping us in suspense!

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