Thursday, March 02, 2006

I'm in the middle of baking a chocolate raspberry torte & the house smells so good! Ray has one of his monthly work meetings today & its being held at our house. So, for their lunch I'm making pork loin chops, strawberry romaine salad, bruschetta & fresh fruit. And, as already mentioned, the torte for dessert. I'm going to try to get Rachel to come over here to hang out with me & eat while they have their meeting. :)

Speaking of Rachel, I'm getting very excited about the baby coming! Her doctors appointments this week have confirmed some dilation, baby in the birth canal & braxton hicks contractions. Not fun for Rachel, but the baby could be here soon! Tuesday night we hung out at her place & I had her lay on the ground so I could measure her belly - 40 cm, which means she's measuring full term! I'm so excited! People are now worried that she won't make it to her shower this Saturday. I think she'll be fine. :)

In other news, I now have three piano students! They haven't started lessons yet, the first one is tomorrow & I have a meeting with someone today which might add two or three more students. I'm praying that all goes well, I haven't taught in about two years! Hopefully I'll continue to get students more quickly.

Tonight Rach, Erin & I are going to hang out, probably at Starbucks. We need a girl night!

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