Saturday, March 18, 2006

Name: Ruth Marie

Born: March 17, 2006

Day: Friday

Time: 5:49 PM

Weight: 7 lbs. 10 oz.

Length: 19 1/4 in.

So, after almost 17 hours of labor (started at 1 am) Rachel gave birth to adorable little Ruth Marie!!!!! She is so cute, with the softest skin, chubby little cheeks & her paternal grandmothers nose. :)

I am SO proud of Rachel. She went through the entire thing completely drug free. She didn't even go to the hospital until around 1:00 in the afternoon. Her family made it to town around 8:30 & Ray & I joined them over at the apartment a little after 11:00.

All of us girls went to the hospital around 2:30, the guys were more interested in watching Monk. Of course they still made it in time but I think the anticipation & not actually being at the hospital was getting to us girls.

Anyway, we set up camp in the waiting room...we had games, LOADS of snacks (I'm talking sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, fruit snacks, chips, cookies...) & a tv with access to a DVD & VCR but nothing too decent on. The even had a computer down there with Internet access.

Anyway, I made it up to Rachel's room just about 30 minutes before she gave birth. I have never felt so sorry for her in my life. I happened to walk in right as a horrid contraction was going on. Thankfully it didn't bother me to see it, I just hated seeing her in so much pain, it was like a completely different person. From what I saw & heard she did great though. She wasn't a cruel woman in labor. :)

Once the baby was born & cleaned up her family made their rounds to see her & I got up there about an hour after the birth. When I talked to Rachel & she was holding the baby I just lost it. I was SO happy & I just cried. I really am proud of her & little Ruth is so precious. I got to see the baby have her first bath & she started nursing not even an hour after she was born. She & Rachel are both doing well with the nursing part.

Anyway, it was such a long day yesterday, we were gone for over 12 hours & then Leah came & stayed the night with us. She & I were up until around 1 in the morning just talking about the whole thing & how its so weird that Rachel has a baby now. I can't wait to go back & see them today!!! :)

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