Update: Its now around 5:00. I just looked out our kitchen window to find a tree in front of my neighbors window & their blinds almost completely shut!
A few weeks ago my neighbor came over to talk to us about something. It bothered her that we keep the blinds completely open on our kitchen window. You see, our kitchen windows are right across from each other.
She told us that she didn't know if we realized it, but they could see into our kitchen and that the people who lived there before us used to keep their blinds vertical & slanted one way & she would keep hers vertical & slanted the other way, that way you still get the light without seeing each other.
Well, I know she really wanted us to close our blinds & what was probably really bothering her was that if she could see into our place then we could probably see into hers. It really doesn't bother me. Its not like I'm walking around naked in front of the window & you can barely see in. But we told her we'd slant the blinds in the evening when it got darker out.
I still keep them wide open when its daylight, I love all of the natural light. I also keep them wide open on the weekends. For goodness sake, we paid for our house, I'm not going to lose a ton of light from slanting the blinds just because she's paranoid.
Well, last week she started setting stuff out on her table. A box of tampons. Then she added a box of condoms. And now she's added a basket of laundry, with a bra draped clearly across. The great thing is, the boxes may move a little, but the labels always directly face us, very readable. She's also moved the chair that used to set there off to the side.

Today she's added another bra on a hangar. And get this: she's started pulling her blinds completely open & she's not even home during the day! AND, none of the other blinds in her house are open, not even toward her private backyard!
How crazy is that? I find it rather juvenile, especially for someone around 50 years old. If they were 16 maybe. But 50? Really?
I have Rachel's three little sisters staying with us right now & we figure she's probably trying to embarrass me or something to get us to close the blinds. But like Rachel's sisters said, she obviously doesn't know me very well if she thinks that's going to embarrass me. Poor woman, the box of condoms has sat there for so long, she must have a pretty boring bedroom.
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