Saturday, November 04, 2006

We made out quite well! Like I mentioned, I can't believe how generous people are. I have a feeling I'll be getting several more gifts from people who couldn't make it to the shower because there are some other bigger items off of my registry but not yet in my possession.

And, I now have a little bit of a better idea of some things I need to go buy myself for the baby. I can't believe how well people bought off of the registry - we received very few clothes & no gift cards!

And, the food was good too. There were four pregnant women at the shower so we made sure to get pictures together. Rach took most of the pictures & she's supposed to bring me the disk tomorrrow. For now, here's a photo of the stroller & car seat that Ray's Dad bought for us a few weeks ago. I love them! Rach said they match my clothes. :)

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