Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well, we walked & I had some very strong contractions while we were out. I think Ray may be learning not to talk to me during strong ones.
(lol, he just asked me "How weird do you think she'll look? She'll probably look pretty weird. Her face will be all squished up, her eyes will be going in different directions...." In case you can't tell, he thinks babies are funny looking. He just walked across the family room & said "Breathe, Ray, breathe." He cracks me up)
Anyway, I'm expecting a check-up call from my midwife in about five minutes. She may be having us come in soon to check how I & the baby are doing. I'm having a difficult time timing the contractions now because they never seem to quite go away. I really should check to make sure I have everything packed that I want with me at the birth center. Its funny, I should be there for a much shorter time than if I was at the hospital but I have to bring a lot more with me (I don't know if I'll be allergic to their laundry detergent so I'm even bringing my own sheets!).
I'm tired but still doing okay.
(lol, he just asked me "How weird do you think she'll look? She'll probably look pretty weird. Her face will be all squished up, her eyes will be going in different directions...." In case you can't tell, he thinks babies are funny looking. He just walked across the family room & said "Breathe, Ray, breathe." He cracks me up)
Anyway, I'm expecting a check-up call from my midwife in about five minutes. She may be having us come in soon to check how I & the baby are doing. I'm having a difficult time timing the contractions now because they never seem to quite go away. I really should check to make sure I have everything packed that I want with me at the birth center. Its funny, I should be there for a much shorter time than if I was at the hospital but I have to bring a lot more with me (I don't know if I'll be allergic to their laundry detergent so I'm even bringing my own sheets!).
I'm tired but still doing okay.
I am very thankful for my nice big garden tub - who knew that warm water could feel so heavenly! Afterwards, I was even able to doze for about an hour (Ray, too). I really need it after only getting about three hours of sleep last night. I'm sure its going to be a late night for us & I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't make an appearance until the wee hours of the morning. One nice thing about this going slowly is that is gives me a little time to adjust. I do think we're about to go for a walk, though!
I'm still puttering along at home. This is definitely a slow labor but somehow the time is going by quickly for me. I'm kind of glad its going slow because its giving us a chance to get stuff done. We don't have a stop watch but I have in Friends dvds so the counter on the dvd player is helping me time the contractions. Not to mention its a good laugh for me & Ray.
I'm really wanting Starbucks coffee.
I'm really wanting Starbucks coffee.
I was able to sleep a bit & things still seem on track.
I actually lost my plug a few weeks ago & I haven't had any internals - since they aren't necessary my midwife doesn't do them unless I want her too (yeah, that wasn't going to happen). And, even though it took a little while to figure out if these were still braxton hicks or not, the regularity of them seems to be a good indication they're real. Plus, they're now a bit different & stronger than the braxton hicks.
Ray is being so adorable & funny. Yesterday he started going through our birthing book & typing up notes for himself on the computer. He likes to tell me all sorts of birthing information now & let me know that he's my pillar of strength. He's very excited. I didn't wake him up until almost 7:30 this morning & he wanted to know why I didn't wake him up sooner so he could help me or something. He then finished his notes on the computer & is out to the office now to print them out. In all honesty I don't think he'll use them much but I think it makes him feel better to have some information in front of him.
I actually lost my plug a few weeks ago & I haven't had any internals - since they aren't necessary my midwife doesn't do them unless I want her too (yeah, that wasn't going to happen). And, even though it took a little while to figure out if these were still braxton hicks or not, the regularity of them seems to be a good indication they're real. Plus, they're now a bit different & stronger than the braxton hicks.
Ray is being so adorable & funny. Yesterday he started going through our birthing book & typing up notes for himself on the computer. He likes to tell me all sorts of birthing information now & let me know that he's my pillar of strength. He's very excited. I didn't wake him up until almost 7:30 this morning & he wanted to know why I didn't wake him up sooner so he could help me or something. He then finished his notes on the computer & is out to the office now to print them out. In all honesty I don't think he'll use them much but I think it makes him feel better to have some information in front of him.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I will admit I've been soooo tired lately, but all of a sudden I started to get a bit more energy yesterday. Not anything extravagant, but I did my dishes & got a few more Christmas decorations up. I love getting my decorations up but I haven't felt much up to it. I'm sure I won't want to do it after the baby gets here!
Speaking of babies, Jen had her little girl yesterday! Her water broke in the morning, she called me from the hospital around 10:30 & she had the baby around one (she only pushed for three minutes!!!). Talk about fast! Six pounds seven ounces and I think around 20 inches long. Name: Abigail Margaret.
Tomorrow our friend Jamie gets induced & I could go at anytime. Poor Ray seems to be a bit nervous, when I call him he almost always anxiously asks if I'm in labor. He even almost finished reading the birthing book yesterday morning & now says he needs to reread it & take notes - he likes to tell me the little details he's discovered as well, such as how far apart contractions should be before we leave, how I should push, etc. He's so funny.
Unfortunately, I've started battling high blood pressure. It was fine (has always been fine) at my appointment two Thursdays ago. But, I think I felt a little funny two days later & decided to take it at the store & it was on the high side. At my appointment on Tuesday it was still a little high. I also seem to have the problem of it jumping up when I know its going to be taken. I can feel fine but if I start thinking about taking my blood pressure it seems to start to sky rocket (I am my mother's daughter). So, I try to relax & I finally realized that the thoughts that relax me are thinking about being at the birthing center & giving birth, so I guess I'm not nervous about that!
The only reason the high bp really bothers me is because if its high I have to consult with a physician to make sure I'm still allowed to go to the birthing center. So, please pray that this will not be an issue. I'm so silly with the way I do this to myself, its just a vicious cycle!
Anyway, for now I'm still teaching piano & puttering around the house (& sleeping!). I got around to making some really yummy calzones for dinner last night & some chocolate chip cookies. I halved the recipe but forgot to put in only half the eggs AND I forgot to add the handful of oatmeal so they weren't as good as usual. They still hit the spot, though!
Speaking of babies, Jen had her little girl yesterday! Her water broke in the morning, she called me from the hospital around 10:30 & she had the baby around one (she only pushed for three minutes!!!). Talk about fast! Six pounds seven ounces and I think around 20 inches long. Name: Abigail Margaret.
Tomorrow our friend Jamie gets induced & I could go at anytime. Poor Ray seems to be a bit nervous, when I call him he almost always anxiously asks if I'm in labor. He even almost finished reading the birthing book yesterday morning & now says he needs to reread it & take notes - he likes to tell me the little details he's discovered as well, such as how far apart contractions should be before we leave, how I should push, etc. He's so funny.
Unfortunately, I've started battling high blood pressure. It was fine (has always been fine) at my appointment two Thursdays ago. But, I think I felt a little funny two days later & decided to take it at the store & it was on the high side. At my appointment on Tuesday it was still a little high. I also seem to have the problem of it jumping up when I know its going to be taken. I can feel fine but if I start thinking about taking my blood pressure it seems to start to sky rocket (I am my mother's daughter). So, I try to relax & I finally realized that the thoughts that relax me are thinking about being at the birthing center & giving birth, so I guess I'm not nervous about that!
The only reason the high bp really bothers me is because if its high I have to consult with a physician to make sure I'm still allowed to go to the birthing center. So, please pray that this will not be an issue. I'm so silly with the way I do this to myself, its just a vicious cycle!
Anyway, for now I'm still teaching piano & puttering around the house (& sleeping!). I got around to making some really yummy calzones for dinner last night & some chocolate chip cookies. I halved the recipe but forgot to put in only half the eggs AND I forgot to add the handful of oatmeal so they weren't as good as usual. They still hit the spot, though!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thanksgiving was rather uneventful. I did miss being in Orlando with all of my family & friends but it didn't bum me out. A few years ago I probably would've been in quite a mood not getting to be where I wanted. Thankfully, I've finally seemed to pretty much accept alternating holidays with out families.
We did not go shopping on Black Friday - I was way too tired for that!. I did make a quick run to Target & found that they had all of the Harry Potter dvds on sale for around $4. I still hadn't seen the fourth one so I went ahead & bought it since it costs more than four dollars just to rent a movie!
Around 6 we went to Erin & Nathan's - a few of the guys were getting together to game. We had Pizza Hut for dinner & then Erin & I went to visit Raachel. We stayed there talking until around 11:30 & then went back to Erin's. I don't think we left there until close to one.
Saturday Ray worked & I lounged around the house. I have fabulous intentions to get things done but at this point its not happening. The place is a mess, my Christmas decorations are out of the attic but hardly a thing is up yet & cooking has been nearly non-existent. I'm just way too tired & trying to stay off my feet & rest.
Today was church & then a baby shower for my sister-in-law who is expecting twins! The poor girl is 28 weeks along & has been in the hospital on bed rest for a little while now. She actually almost had the babies last night! (a boy & girl, how perfect)
Anyway, that's my little update. I'll try to post a new belly pic soon, there probably aren't many of those left!
We did not go shopping on Black Friday - I was way too tired for that!. I did make a quick run to Target & found that they had all of the Harry Potter dvds on sale for around $4. I still hadn't seen the fourth one so I went ahead & bought it since it costs more than four dollars just to rent a movie!
Around 6 we went to Erin & Nathan's - a few of the guys were getting together to game. We had Pizza Hut for dinner & then Erin & I went to visit Raachel. We stayed there talking until around 11:30 & then went back to Erin's. I don't think we left there until close to one.
Saturday Ray worked & I lounged around the house. I have fabulous intentions to get things done but at this point its not happening. The place is a mess, my Christmas decorations are out of the attic but hardly a thing is up yet & cooking has been nearly non-existent. I'm just way too tired & trying to stay off my feet & rest.
Today was church & then a baby shower for my sister-in-law who is expecting twins! The poor girl is 28 weeks along & has been in the hospital on bed rest for a little while now. She actually almost had the babies last night! (a boy & girl, how perfect)
Anyway, that's my little update. I'll try to post a new belly pic soon, there probably aren't many of those left!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I had a nice surprise visit from my Dad yesterday! He was in town for an audition so he stopped by & took me to Tijuana Flats for lunch - one of my favorites. :)
The weather here is SO cold. I think it was supposed to get down around 39 degrees last night. I'm not a huge fan of really cold weather (I prefer just cool Fall-type stuff) but its even worse when you don't have warm clothes! I'm so close to the end of this pregnancy that I don't want to go buy warm clothes but pretty much all of my maternity clothes are sleeveless. I just throw on jackets & such & it does the trick.
I've also been so tired. I feel pathetic at the tiny amount of stuff that I get done each day. I really like to keep a clean house & cook but neither of those things have been happening at my normal standards lately. The good thing is that I don't care a whole lot, I'd rather rest while I can anyway. The house can be cleaned later.
I am definitely huge now, although I always thought that carrying a full-term baby I would be bigger than I am. I have a feeling she may be on the smaller side because I just can't fathom an eight-pound baby fitting in there! When I'm laying down & try to get up I definitely feel like a whale. Thankfully its only been towards the end that I've really started to feel heavier in the middle. Of course, depending on how I'm sitting/what I'm doing I still sometimes don't feel pregnant, its as if the belly just disappears.
Running errands/working around the house on my feet completely wears me out. Monday I was grocery shopping & running other errands but I had to go home & rest in the middle of it all because I was so tired! What oh what will I do once the baby gets here??? There's a whole new kind of tired!
I'm wondering what kind of questions I'll be getting after the baby gets here. Right now, you pretty much hear the same things from everybody. To answer:
-The nursery is not finished.
-We're prepared enough that she could show up today & we'd be okay.
-We don't have a name picked out yet. We have ideas, but nothing at all definite. We're going to have to meet her first.
-I don't know how the baby's doing. I'm assuming she's okay because she's still moving around in there.
-No, I'm not nervous. (of course I don't fully know what I'm in for)
-Yes, my ankles are a little swollen, thank you for telling me.
-I've gained about 33 pounds (its amazing how many people feel its okay to comment/ask about your size even if they're not your close friends).
I don't mind the questions, but I do think its funny because I'm hearing those things so many times. I honestly don't care if people know how much I've gained or if they tell me I look huge. It's true, I do look big! I am a little surprised that people think pregnancy makes it okay to comment about those things - my experience is that a lot of women are rather touchy on that subject.
So, I don't have many plans for today. Al of my piano lessons for today & tomorrow have been cancelled - not only for thanksgiving but also because there seems to be a lot of illness going around (that didn't stop one Mom from bringing her other son along on Monday & letting him hack all over my family room. One of the last things I want right now is to get sick.
I do have to go out today & get a pecan danish for breakfast tomorrow - it's tradition!
The weather here is SO cold. I think it was supposed to get down around 39 degrees last night. I'm not a huge fan of really cold weather (I prefer just cool Fall-type stuff) but its even worse when you don't have warm clothes! I'm so close to the end of this pregnancy that I don't want to go buy warm clothes but pretty much all of my maternity clothes are sleeveless. I just throw on jackets & such & it does the trick.
I've also been so tired. I feel pathetic at the tiny amount of stuff that I get done each day. I really like to keep a clean house & cook but neither of those things have been happening at my normal standards lately. The good thing is that I don't care a whole lot, I'd rather rest while I can anyway. The house can be cleaned later.
I am definitely huge now, although I always thought that carrying a full-term baby I would be bigger than I am. I have a feeling she may be on the smaller side because I just can't fathom an eight-pound baby fitting in there! When I'm laying down & try to get up I definitely feel like a whale. Thankfully its only been towards the end that I've really started to feel heavier in the middle. Of course, depending on how I'm sitting/what I'm doing I still sometimes don't feel pregnant, its as if the belly just disappears.
Running errands/working around the house on my feet completely wears me out. Monday I was grocery shopping & running other errands but I had to go home & rest in the middle of it all because I was so tired! What oh what will I do once the baby gets here??? There's a whole new kind of tired!
I'm wondering what kind of questions I'll be getting after the baby gets here. Right now, you pretty much hear the same things from everybody. To answer:
-The nursery is not finished.
-We're prepared enough that she could show up today & we'd be okay.
-We don't have a name picked out yet. We have ideas, but nothing at all definite. We're going to have to meet her first.
-I don't know how the baby's doing. I'm assuming she's okay because she's still moving around in there.
-No, I'm not nervous. (of course I don't fully know what I'm in for)
-Yes, my ankles are a little swollen, thank you for telling me.
-I've gained about 33 pounds (its amazing how many people feel its okay to comment/ask about your size even if they're not your close friends).
I don't mind the questions, but I do think its funny because I'm hearing those things so many times. I honestly don't care if people know how much I've gained or if they tell me I look huge. It's true, I do look big! I am a little surprised that people think pregnancy makes it okay to comment about those things - my experience is that a lot of women are rather touchy on that subject.
So, I don't have many plans for today. Al of my piano lessons for today & tomorrow have been cancelled - not only for thanksgiving but also because there seems to be a lot of illness going around (that didn't stop one Mom from bringing her other son along on Monday & letting him hack all over my family room. One of the last things I want right now is to get sick.
I do have to go out today & get a pecan danish for breakfast tomorrow - it's tradition!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Ray worked all day Saturday & Erin's husband, Nathan, had to work too. Erin has been wanting us to go out to a tea room before the baby gets here so Saturday worked out perfectly. I love tea rooms, I grew up going to them with my Mom & grandmother but I don't really get to go anymore. We went to the Empress Tea Room at Victorian Village.
It was a really nice set-up, definitely had the tea room feel as opposed to the places that call themselves tea rooms but are really just cafe's in the back of a bookstore. The food was a mix - some was quite good, some not worth finishing. But it was a lot of fun & very nice - a great treat before the baby. We walked around the little shops, too, but didn't buy anything.
She's interested in the birthing center when it's her time so we drove by there so she could see the place (as my Mom said it looks like I'm going to give birth in North Carolina), went to Linen's n Things, & then of course Starbucks.
It was such a nice day & we sat at my house chatting for awhile. Then, I still had time to take about an hour nap & make dinner before Ray got home! We watched a movie I had checked out from the library & then we both fell asleep on the sofa.
Yesterday I normally would have gotten dressed, gone to church, only to go sit at Starbucks because the perfume would be too strong for me to stay at church. Instead I stayed home! Rachel & Conrad were driving back from her parents that morning & rach had called to see if Conrad could just drop her off at my house since it was on the way to church & close to the Ekstrands where there was a surprise birthday party for Gabe in the afternoon. It was just easier, especially since Ruth doesn't do well in the car & they'd had a long morning drive.
So, she & I got to spend a few quality hours together chatting & eating some oatmeal muffins I made. It was really nice, we hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks & we hadn't had much one-on-one time in awhile.
The party in the afternoon was packed - I couldn't believe how many people were there! It was a surprise for Gabe's 30th - Jen is due with the baby this Saturday & I was a little surprised she was able to throw together a party so far along. We had Brazillian steak for lunch & an assortment of other things & the cake was from Coldstone Creamery. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!
Ray had to go to work in the afternoon so I stayed all day at the party & caught a ride to church. Today, I'm exhausted. I love how understanding Ray is about it though, telling me to take a nap & asking if he can help me with anything!
It was a really nice set-up, definitely had the tea room feel as opposed to the places that call themselves tea rooms but are really just cafe's in the back of a bookstore. The food was a mix - some was quite good, some not worth finishing. But it was a lot of fun & very nice - a great treat before the baby. We walked around the little shops, too, but didn't buy anything.
She's interested in the birthing center when it's her time so we drove by there so she could see the place (as my Mom said it looks like I'm going to give birth in North Carolina), went to Linen's n Things, & then of course Starbucks.
It was such a nice day & we sat at my house chatting for awhile. Then, I still had time to take about an hour nap & make dinner before Ray got home! We watched a movie I had checked out from the library & then we both fell asleep on the sofa.
Yesterday I normally would have gotten dressed, gone to church, only to go sit at Starbucks because the perfume would be too strong for me to stay at church. Instead I stayed home! Rachel & Conrad were driving back from her parents that morning & rach had called to see if Conrad could just drop her off at my house since it was on the way to church & close to the Ekstrands where there was a surprise birthday party for Gabe in the afternoon. It was just easier, especially since Ruth doesn't do well in the car & they'd had a long morning drive.
So, she & I got to spend a few quality hours together chatting & eating some oatmeal muffins I made. It was really nice, we hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks & we hadn't had much one-on-one time in awhile.
The party in the afternoon was packed - I couldn't believe how many people were there! It was a surprise for Gabe's 30th - Jen is due with the baby this Saturday & I was a little surprised she was able to throw together a party so far along. We had Brazillian steak for lunch & an assortment of other things & the cake was from Coldstone Creamery. Oh my goodness, it was delicious!
Ray had to go to work in the afternoon so I stayed all day at the party & caught a ride to church. Today, I'm exhausted. I love how understanding Ray is about it though, telling me to take a nap & asking if he can help me with anything!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Yummy yummy salad & breadsticks. At my mommy shower I received a gift certificate to Olive Garden. Rather than wait until after the baby comes I wanted to go on a date before she's here. We also had a Barnes & Noble date two nights ago. Live it up before things change completely.
I forgot to mention before that we now have two laptops in the house! This has been fantastic for me, Our other laptop is more like a desktop & we aren't sure where the wireless card is at so the laptop pretty much sets on the desk. But, before we left Orlando on Sunday, my mom suggested I take home their extra laptop! So I'm now sitting in our bed typing on her iBook. When Ray is home he's usually working on the computer so this is really allowing me more flexibilty - I LOVE it! I'm so glad she let me borrow this for a little while, thank you Mom!
I had a really good prenatal appointment with my midwife today. I had a lot I wanted to talk to her about & I felt like I really wouldn't be comfortable going into labor until I was able to ask her some things. Now that I talked to her & worked out what I needed I feel much better! I won't go into details that will probably bore most of you, but I love research/medical stuff - and getting answers to my questions!
Anyway, everything is going pretty well. She hasn't dropped yet, she's very low but hasn't actually dropped so I'm sure that's helping with my comfort. I can tell I'm definitely getting more uncomfortable though, but it really isn't anything that's horrible. I still have days where I'm a little swollen (I'm still wearing my rings, though!) so I need to start taking my alfalfa again. I stopped when my iron levels came back high enough. The baby's heartbeat was a little slower today, normal since she's getting bigger. I took my measurements last night & they're all the same now! My boobs have been bigger than everything else this whole time but now I'm the same everywhere.
Oh my goodness, on a totally different topic, I saw complete nerd fests today. I was running errands & drove by one Target & saw some people sitting in chairs outside, I thought that it may've just been employees. But, there was a line at another Target & one at Walmart too - I counted five tents in that line! Apparently, some playstation or something is coming out TOMORROW & these people were already in line for the thing. I just can't fathom that - or people actually having time to spend a day outside in a line.
I forgot to mention before that we now have two laptops in the house! This has been fantastic for me, Our other laptop is more like a desktop & we aren't sure where the wireless card is at so the laptop pretty much sets on the desk. But, before we left Orlando on Sunday, my mom suggested I take home their extra laptop! So I'm now sitting in our bed typing on her iBook. When Ray is home he's usually working on the computer so this is really allowing me more flexibilty - I LOVE it! I'm so glad she let me borrow this for a little while, thank you Mom!
I had a really good prenatal appointment with my midwife today. I had a lot I wanted to talk to her about & I felt like I really wouldn't be comfortable going into labor until I was able to ask her some things. Now that I talked to her & worked out what I needed I feel much better! I won't go into details that will probably bore most of you, but I love research/medical stuff - and getting answers to my questions!
Anyway, everything is going pretty well. She hasn't dropped yet, she's very low but hasn't actually dropped so I'm sure that's helping with my comfort. I can tell I'm definitely getting more uncomfortable though, but it really isn't anything that's horrible. I still have days where I'm a little swollen (I'm still wearing my rings, though!) so I need to start taking my alfalfa again. I stopped when my iron levels came back high enough. The baby's heartbeat was a little slower today, normal since she's getting bigger. I took my measurements last night & they're all the same now! My boobs have been bigger than everything else this whole time but now I'm the same everywhere.
Oh my goodness, on a totally different topic, I saw complete nerd fests today. I was running errands & drove by one Target & saw some people sitting in chairs outside, I thought that it may've just been employees. But, there was a line at another Target & one at Walmart too - I counted five tents in that line! Apparently, some playstation or something is coming out TOMORROW & these people were already in line for the thing. I just can't fathom that - or people actually having time to spend a day outside in a line.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
What a great weekend, I really enjoyed Ray being there, too.
Friday night my Uncle Greg, Aunt Melissa, & their youngest son, Gregory, came to my parents for a dinner of fajitas & margaritas. Gregory wanted to know why there was a baby inside of me.

He then proceeded to take a plastic knife & press rather hard to get the baby out. And, apparently the baby was thirsty for tea & the way to give a baby a drink is through my belly button! (didn't get a picture of that though - thankfully it was a fake plastic teapot)

Saturday Megan worked most of the day & Dad was filming but Ray, Mom & I went went to Gram's for some yummy minestrone soup. After resting at home Mom & I hit up Starbucks (my giftcard came in from mypoints right before we left on Friday!), Target, Publix & Whole Foods. One of the whole reasons I love that store is just for the atmosphere & smells (probably one of the only health food stores that doesn't smell weird). Something about it reminds me of Zabars in NYC.
Dinner was an indulgence of aged black gouda (the best cheese I've ever had), brie, crackers, apples, & wine (okay, just sips for me). Megan got home from work just as Sarah arrived to hang out & spend the night. And, when I stay up until 2:30 in the morning I get hungry again so we ordered Pizza Hut. Healthy, healthy!
Sunday, after church, we had a delicious lunch! Pork tenderloin, garlic mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, & fresh home made apple pie with ice cream.

One of the reasons for this past weekends visit was so that Megan could take maternity photos of me & Ray. She has all of the copies still, but I can't wait to see how they turned out! I'm sure there has to be at least a few where we both look decent.
We spent the afternoon at The Mall at Millenia & then it was time to head home - after another peppermint mocha!
Friday night my Uncle Greg, Aunt Melissa, & their youngest son, Gregory, came to my parents for a dinner of fajitas & margaritas. Gregory wanted to know why there was a baby inside of me.

He then proceeded to take a plastic knife & press rather hard to get the baby out. And, apparently the baby was thirsty for tea & the way to give a baby a drink is through my belly button! (didn't get a picture of that though - thankfully it was a fake plastic teapot)

Saturday Megan worked most of the day & Dad was filming but Ray, Mom & I went went to Gram's for some yummy minestrone soup. After resting at home Mom & I hit up Starbucks (my giftcard came in from mypoints right before we left on Friday!), Target, Publix & Whole Foods. One of the whole reasons I love that store is just for the atmosphere & smells (probably one of the only health food stores that doesn't smell weird). Something about it reminds me of Zabars in NYC.
Dinner was an indulgence of aged black gouda (the best cheese I've ever had), brie, crackers, apples, & wine (okay, just sips for me). Megan got home from work just as Sarah arrived to hang out & spend the night. And, when I stay up until 2:30 in the morning I get hungry again so we ordered Pizza Hut. Healthy, healthy!
Sunday, after church, we had a delicious lunch! Pork tenderloin, garlic mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, & fresh home made apple pie with ice cream.

One of the reasons for this past weekends visit was so that Megan could take maternity photos of me & Ray. She has all of the copies still, but I can't wait to see how they turned out! I'm sure there has to be at least a few where we both look decent.
We spent the afternoon at The Mall at Millenia & then it was time to head home - after another peppermint mocha!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I'm still here, I haven't had the baby, we've just been swamped! I was doing a lot of computer work this week, so much so that my dishes haven't been getting done, my floors are dirty, my bathrooms are a mess, laundry needs folded....
Plus, I'm teaching piano as long as I can, I had my prenatal appointment Wednesday (I still LOVE that place) & I met with the pediatrician yesterday. She was FABULOUS! It's actually a family practice so I can go too, but she specializes in pediatrics. I was so impressed with this Doctor, which says a lot because I'm not a big fan of doctors at all. But it's a good sign to me when they don't think they're God.
This weekend we're in Orlando. Yes, WE, as in Ray is here for the first time in about seven months! I'm so glad he was able to switch his work schedule around. We've had a lot of family time & relaxing. Sarah, Ellie's mom, is coming over this afternoon for some girl time. I'm so excited to get to see her!
Speaking of Ellie, she has been in the hospital with chicken pox, which is one of the worst things you can get when you're going through chemo & have no immunities. But the power of prayer is amazing & she's doing surprisingly well, considering. One feature that is on her blog but that has not been advertised by the family is a donation button through paypal. I know that financially this is very difficult & I ask that anyone that can even donate $1 to please do so. They're still in the beginning stages of fighting this cancer & I'm sure they can use any support.
Plus, I'm teaching piano as long as I can, I had my prenatal appointment Wednesday (I still LOVE that place) & I met with the pediatrician yesterday. She was FABULOUS! It's actually a family practice so I can go too, but she specializes in pediatrics. I was so impressed with this Doctor, which says a lot because I'm not a big fan of doctors at all. But it's a good sign to me when they don't think they're God.
This weekend we're in Orlando. Yes, WE, as in Ray is here for the first time in about seven months! I'm so glad he was able to switch his work schedule around. We've had a lot of family time & relaxing. Sarah, Ellie's mom, is coming over this afternoon for some girl time. I'm so excited to get to see her!
Speaking of Ellie, she has been in the hospital with chicken pox, which is one of the worst things you can get when you're going through chemo & have no immunities. But the power of prayer is amazing & she's doing surprisingly well, considering. One feature that is on her blog but that has not been advertised by the family is a donation button through paypal. I know that financially this is very difficult & I ask that anyone that can even donate $1 to please do so. They're still in the beginning stages of fighting this cancer & I'm sure they can use any support.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I haven't been out much lately because of our whole car situation. Ray's been going to his Dad's a lot more to work on the house since real estate is so slow & he puts in a pretty full day while there. But it leaves me home without a car!
So, the most exciting thing I've done since Saturday is go to Super Target for grocery shopping & coffee. But, that kind of little get away makes me happy so I'm doing good.
I have discovered the joys of swollen feet! Mind you, I'm already a size 10 wide, so adding water retention to the mix really gives my ankles/feet a bad look! (Thankfully no "cankles" though, so I guess it's not that bad) I started noticing them about two weeks ago & actually panicked a bit - I didn't want to get swollen ankles!
Well, yesterday Ray had me working on the computer most of the day so I wasn't up doing all of the house cleaning & maintenance as usual. Lo & Behold, my feet still looked pretty normal by the end of the day & this morning I don't seem to have any swelling! I need to find more computer work to keep me off my feet.
So, I just wrote two paragraphs about my swollen ankles, I told you not much exciting has been going on.
So, the most exciting thing I've done since Saturday is go to Super Target for grocery shopping & coffee. But, that kind of little get away makes me happy so I'm doing good.
I have discovered the joys of swollen feet! Mind you, I'm already a size 10 wide, so adding water retention to the mix really gives my ankles/feet a bad look! (Thankfully no "cankles" though, so I guess it's not that bad) I started noticing them about two weeks ago & actually panicked a bit - I didn't want to get swollen ankles!
Well, yesterday Ray had me working on the computer most of the day so I wasn't up doing all of the house cleaning & maintenance as usual. Lo & Behold, my feet still looked pretty normal by the end of the day & this morning I don't seem to have any swelling! I need to find more computer work to keep me off my feet.
So, I just wrote two paragraphs about my swollen ankles, I told you not much exciting has been going on.
Monday, November 06, 2006
A few photos (sorry about the size) from the shower on Saturday...aka pictures with which to bore Megan. :)
As always, there is the food! We had brunch & it was good - bagels, some potato quiche, really good little muffins with some kind of filling inside, mexican breakfast thing, fruit, french toast & different beverages.

Opening the gifts...there were so many. It got so quite at times & yes, I was a bit embarrassed. It's hard to remember that people enjoy seeing what you received, but I still felt like I was in a fishtank!

This diaper cake came from a very old friend, Trang, who used to live next door to me in Orlando & babysit. But, of all things, we both ended up in Tampa! She's super sweet & generous & she added so many little touches to this "cake" - even a gift card! (she also bought the cute little pink baby sunglasses)

The real cake.

Me with the inlaws: Ray's step-mom, me, his mom, & grandmother.

Pregnant ladies! There were four of us at the shower. From left to right: Jen, 37 weeks; Meka, 33 weeks; Me, 36 weeks; and Marie, 21 weeks.

I feel the need to clarify, for the record, that I did not lose my fashion sense & wear the corsage to the shower. That's a bit of a tradition with them (that I forgot about) that the guest-of-honor at their showers wear a corsage. At least I was wearing black.
As always, there is the food! We had brunch & it was good - bagels, some potato quiche, really good little muffins with some kind of filling inside, mexican breakfast thing, fruit, french toast & different beverages.

Opening the gifts...there were so many. It got so quite at times & yes, I was a bit embarrassed. It's hard to remember that people enjoy seeing what you received, but I still felt like I was in a fishtank!

This diaper cake came from a very old friend, Trang, who used to live next door to me in Orlando & babysit. But, of all things, we both ended up in Tampa! She's super sweet & generous & she added so many little touches to this "cake" - even a gift card! (she also bought the cute little pink baby sunglasses)

The real cake.

Me with the inlaws: Ray's step-mom, me, his mom, & grandmother.

Pregnant ladies! There were four of us at the shower. From left to right: Jen, 37 weeks; Meka, 33 weeks; Me, 36 weeks; and Marie, 21 weeks.

I feel the need to clarify, for the record, that I did not lose my fashion sense & wear the corsage to the shower. That's a bit of a tradition with them (that I forgot about) that the guest-of-honor at their showers wear a corsage. At least I was wearing black.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
We made out quite well! Like I mentioned, I can't believe how generous people are. I have a feeling I'll be getting several more gifts from people who couldn't make it to the shower because there are some other bigger items off of my registry but not yet in my possession.
And, I now have a little bit of a better idea of some things I need to go buy myself for the baby. I can't believe how well people bought off of the registry - we received very few clothes & no gift cards!
And, the food was good too. There were four pregnant women at the shower so we made sure to get pictures together. Rach took most of the pictures & she's supposed to bring me the disk tomorrrow. For now, here's a photo of the stroller & car seat that Ray's Dad bought for us a few weeks ago. I love them! Rach said they match my clothes. :)

And, I now have a little bit of a better idea of some things I need to go buy myself for the baby. I can't believe how well people bought off of the registry - we received very few clothes & no gift cards!
And, the food was good too. There were four pregnant women at the shower so we made sure to get pictures together. Rach took most of the pictures & she's supposed to bring me the disk tomorrrow. For now, here's a photo of the stroller & car seat that Ray's Dad bought for us a few weeks ago. I love them! Rach said they match my clothes. :)

My last shower is in about two hours! Yes, I'm'd think I'd be most excited about the gifts but for some reason I can't stop thinking about the food, lol. I'm also very bad & I've been keeping tabs on our registry. I can't help it, it's like crack! I get so excited when I see that something else is gone. And it baffles me at just how generous so many people are.
In other news I'm stuck most of the time now. Stuck at home because I don't have a car! I did have it most of the day yesterday but I was too tired to do much. I'm hoping that I won't go crazy with us only having one car once the baby gets here...I also hope we'll be able to afford another one soon. Ray's being very nice about trying to make sure I get the car, it looks like mornings will be my time to go out & he'll get it the rest of the day. I still felt lame trying to find rides to & from my shower today, though!
In other news I'm stuck most of the time now. Stuck at home because I don't have a car! I did have it most of the day yesterday but I was too tired to do much. I'm hoping that I won't go crazy with us only having one car once the baby gets here...I also hope we'll be able to afford another one soon. Ray's being very nice about trying to make sure I get the car, it looks like mornings will be my time to go out & he'll get it the rest of the day. I still felt lame trying to find rides to & from my shower today, though!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
News of the week:
-Ray arrived home safe & sound from his guy weekend at NASCAR. I think he had fun.
-Even though I'm not big into halloween, I obviously had fun "dressing up." Maybe her costume next year should be a pumpkin, too!
-A lot of our neighbors sit in their driveways to pass out candy & Ray & I did too (I have mosquito bites all over my belly). I wanted to go talk to my neighbor two doors down but that meant walking right pass mean-neighbor-lady-who-won't-talk-to-us-because-we-won't-close-our-blinds. I braved it & walked by she & her husband (who still talks to us) & I was nervous so I rambled a bit: "Hey ya'll, how are you doing? Happy Halloween." And as I passed by her I could hear her mumble, "Disgusting, that's disgusting." I can only assume she meant my painted belly, which got rave reviews from so many other people, especially parents. She's just a mean women &, for the record, we're not the only neighbors she won't talk to.
-(slightly graphic so read at your own risk, muah ha ha) My cat killed & ate a mouse this week. Before he killed it though he brought it into the house & dropped it a couple times (thankfully on the hard floor because it was bleeding!) & the poor thing was squeaking. It was too far gone for me to save & when the cat ran back outside to toss it around & play with it I shut the back door to keep him out. But then, he brought the mouse up to the glass door & proceeded to eat the thing! I don't quite know what compelled me to watch him eat the head off but I could hear bones crunching too!
-My boobs grew another inch in just four days. What will I do when my milk comes in???
-Ray arrived home safe & sound from his guy weekend at NASCAR. I think he had fun.
-Even though I'm not big into halloween, I obviously had fun "dressing up." Maybe her costume next year should be a pumpkin, too!
-A lot of our neighbors sit in their driveways to pass out candy & Ray & I did too (I have mosquito bites all over my belly). I wanted to go talk to my neighbor two doors down but that meant walking right pass mean-neighbor-lady-who-won't-talk-to-us-because-we-won't-close-our-blinds. I braved it & walked by she & her husband (who still talks to us) & I was nervous so I rambled a bit: "Hey ya'll, how are you doing? Happy Halloween." And as I passed by her I could hear her mumble, "Disgusting, that's disgusting." I can only assume she meant my painted belly, which got rave reviews from so many other people, especially parents. She's just a mean women &, for the record, we're not the only neighbors she won't talk to.
-(slightly graphic so read at your own risk, muah ha ha) My cat killed & ate a mouse this week. Before he killed it though he brought it into the house & dropped it a couple times (thankfully on the hard floor because it was bleeding!) & the poor thing was squeaking. It was too far gone for me to save & when the cat ran back outside to toss it around & play with it I shut the back door to keep him out. But then, he brought the mouse up to the glass door & proceeded to eat the thing! I don't quite know what compelled me to watch him eat the head off but I could hear bones crunching too!
-My boobs grew another inch in just four days. What will I do when my milk comes in???
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Sunday evening I was relaxing in a lukewarm bath (I can't wait to get it nice & hot again!) & the baby got the hiccups. It was so funny because when she would hiccup the water would reverberate around me. I don't think I got a lot of reading done.
I had my prenatal check-up yesterday & the midwife told me that the earliest she would let me go into labor with me being able to deliver at the birthing center & not be taken to the hospital is...Sunday. As in this Sunday, November 5. What a relief! Thank goodness for having several "estimated" due dates. Not that I think I'll go into labor next week but it's nice to hit the safe zone.
I really was going to write more but unfortunately my morning nausea seems to have returned this week & I'm not much in the mood to write at the moment.
I had my prenatal check-up yesterday & the midwife told me that the earliest she would let me go into labor with me being able to deliver at the birthing center & not be taken to the hospital is...Sunday. As in this Sunday, November 5. What a relief! Thank goodness for having several "estimated" due dates. Not that I think I'll go into labor next week but it's nice to hit the safe zone.
I really was going to write more but unfortunately my morning nausea seems to have returned this week & I'm not much in the mood to write at the moment.
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