Addison was twelve weeks old yesterday! It's been awhile since I've updated on her so here are some new things that have happened with her lately.

About 2-3 weeks ago I noticed she really started finding her thumb easier - she'll even be sitting in her bumbo & she starts slumping over from sucking her thumb. Speaking of which we started trying out her bumbo last week & it's going fine but I'm still not putting her in it a whole lot.
She's smiling more which is so much fun. She's also making more distinctive noises when she "talks." The two most popular seem to be "boo" & "goo." She talks to us as well as some of her toys, It's so cute! She'll also blow raspberries which is kind of funny, especially when she ended up spitting all over Ray!
Her bath last night:

She also has a favorite book now: Baby Einstein See & Spy Counting. I open it & start reading it to her & she smiles & laughs. The first time I read it to her she smiled & when I closed the book she started to fuss. So, that seems to be her favorite!
She seems to reach for her toys & I think she's starting to watch her hands. If I put her on her tummy & lay down in front of her or put a toy in front of her she kind of swims & tries to get over to me. I'm sure she'll be moving before we know it!
She's now down to three naps & five feedings a day & is still 100% breastfed. Around three weeks ago she started sleeping around 11-13 hours at night (let me say how much I LOVE flex scheduling! I know so many people who've had success with it & now we have too, yea!). I know we could be in for changes there since babies like to do that so often. :)
She's gained about another pound in the last three weeks which puts her up to around thirteen! My big baby! We've also been practicing sitting up but I don't think that will happen on its own too soon.
I'm also looking at some Mom groups in our area to get involved in & I'm excited about finding some!
Ray reading the Bible to Addison last night:

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