I'm been such a bad blogger! Hardly any updates, at least no updates with substance. I partly feel like I can't justify the time to blog much right now.
Last week was spent recuperating from the craziness of the prior two weeks. My house is still a work in progress but I have a nice plan in place for cleaning & meals. I'm hoping that having a manageable task list will help me stay on track; which cleaning jobs to do on which days, meal ideas, etc.
I have my scrapbooking stuff out right now but I can't seem to summon the creative juices to get much done with that tonight.
We had a couple of late nights this weekend (well, late for Addison) so I stayed home from church this evening. Friday night we were at youth group & she didn't get to bed until around 9:30 & then last night we were out at Ray's grandmother's for her birthday & Addison didn't get to bed until around 10:30 - 3 hours past her normal bed time! On top of that we left the house a little after 7 this morning to go to some houses for Ray's work so she really didn't get as much sleep as usual.
We had an International potluck at church this afternoon. We have fabulous International potlucks because we really do have a lot of nationalities represented - Malaysian, Indian, Irish, Scottish, Jamaican, Mexican, Brazilian, etc. We label the dishes with what it is & what country it comes from.
I was just going to make chicken tetrazzini but Ray had a different idea. Instead, I made beanie weenies & labeled them "red neck." I thought it was a pretty funny idea that Ray had.
Anyway, there's my update. More later.
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