Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It seems from reading other blogs that the most popular night for tv is Thurday for one very obvious reason: Grey's Anatomy. You know it's a good show when so many people are blogging about it. So, will Meredith die? I'm persuaded to say no (even though Ray hopes she does) except for the fact that the ad spot on ABC says it's a "devastating conclusion." I don't know, I'm sure there will be a lot of people blogging after tomorrow's episode (I can't wait to read Grey Matter whatever happens). At least we should get to see some more of Denny!

Right now I'm watching Lost. It's not as good as previous seasons but it hasn't lost me completely (yet). My favorite part of the show is the opening when the word "Lost" comes across the screen with the creepy music. Why? Because Megan can't stand that part. :) I had never really watched the show before but I got hooked in my first trimester. When I became so ill I could barely get out of bed Megan came over for a bit to help take care of me. She also brought her laptop with all of the Lost episodes on it & we'd lay in my bed & watch them one after another. That definately made my "morning" sickness a little better. Whenever the opening music would play it would creep Megan out so much that she'd always mute the sound.

Since I'm blogging about tv (which may be a first for me) I may as well mention Gilmore Girls. Talk about a show going downhill. I really enjoy the first 3 or 4 seasons. Now it's not even really worth watching yet I always do because I have to know what happens & there's this little hope each week that the show will be better. I'm pretty sure this will be the last season.

Anyway, it's time for me to get ready for bed. Poor Ray seems to be battling the flu or something so he's been in bed pretty much all day. We're letting him stay in there tonight & Addison & I are going to sleep in the guest room.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

now I stay tuned!


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