Monday, March 05, 2007

Thank you to everyone for all of the well wishes. I'm up & about now but I can tell I'm still not 100%, I'm definitely still feeling run down & tired. I feel like I lost a week, too! Starting Tuesday I was running a fever that kept climbing to around 102.4. I hate taking anything since I'm nursing but I still had to take care of Addison & I definitely wasn't able to do that too well with such a high fever so I kept taking tylenol. One day even that would only get my fever down to around 100 (my temp is usually in the 96-97 range - yes, I've thought about possible thyroid problems).

Ray did what he could but still had to work. Thankfully, when he was home, he would take care of Addison so I could sleep & he'd get me food & even cleaned a bit! I was really grumpy with him though (even though I was really sick I feel bad about that).

I think it's funny that no matter how old you get "mom" always makes things better (Rach & I had just been talking about this last week) & on Saturday my mom & dad came over to help me out a bit. They finished cleaning my kitchen, did the laundry, cleaned the floors a bit, watched Addison, bought me coffee, brought over a movie, & my Mom made us a delicious salad for dinner.

Anyway, now that I'm feeling better I hope to get things going around here again. Back to exercising, cooking, cleaning, decorating, & whatever else needs done. Speaking of decorating, I need to print out photos. I've really been slacking with that whole area. I don't even have any pictures of Addison up yet! I didn't even realize this until we went to visit Ruth & Ernie & they had all these pictures of Karine out.

Instead of art work above our sofa I have family photos so I need to print one of the three of us (me, Ray, & Addison) for the center. I also need to print one of Ray's mom & her husband. When I hung the photos I didn't have a picture of them that would work for the frame. Well, back in SEPTEMBER I took one of Ray's mom to put up there & then forgot to print it & hang it up! oops I was, what, seven months pregnant? Definite pregnant brain working there (or not working you could say). And, now I've had a baby in the house & like I already mentioned, I don't even have pictures of her up yet. Anyway, I'm hoping to remedy all of this by the end of the week!

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