Wednesday, March 21, 2007

This day a year ago I was exhilerated. This was the morning I took three pregnancy tests which all came back POSITIVE. I checked my archives & I never wrote about finding out about Addison (now I'm inspired by Heidi who just found out she's expecting number one - congratulations!).

Rachel had actually just had Ruth (she turned one on Saturday!) so her three sisters were staying with us for awhile. Ray I had been trying for several months & I was into all of the charting & stuff & I had freebie pregnancy tests & dollar store tests. In the afternoon on the 20th I just had the urge to test with one of the freebies. I thought I saw a faint line but it was so faint I wasn't sure if it was just an evaporation line - I was tesing a few days earlier than normal. I called in Leah & kept holding the test further back & asking her over & over if she could see a line - yeah, she could.

So, the next morning I woke up, maybe around 6:30, & immediately tested with a dollar store test. It was positive. So, I took another dollar store test & then a more expensive test. When they all came back positive I went back to the bedroom, hopped into bed with Ray & told him we were going to have a baby! We were SO excited.

I had talked to Rach the night before & showed her the first test so I went outside & called her right away. I wasn't into keeping it a secret so we told people pretty quickly. What a fun time! Of course, not as fun as actually having Addison with us now!

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