Thursday, September 06, 2007

As soon as we get to Nathan's house we'll finally be in posession of a camera again! He gets great deals on electronics through his company so he gave us a list of available cameras & we chose the Canon PowerShot SD1000. It's nothing fancy but it's supposed to be a very good basic camera. I'll just be happy to finally take photos again!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Maybe with the new camera I'll finally start being more crafty. I've had ideas for projects to complete but I haven't wanted to do them because I want to be able to take pictures of the process/finished product! So my sewing machine, multitude of assorted fabrics, and other crafty things have been quietly biding their time in the small dark closet they call home.

My scrapbooking items have seen more light lately as I had taken a serious hiatus from them. (I think they missed me & I think they deserved a little summer sun!)

Another pro of not working on crafts is that my craft closet is now cleaned & organized. It had become a huge mess of grocery bags holding ribbons, styrofoam, fake flowers, & whatever else I had thrown in there because I had no idea where else to put it! I even went through my photo bin, disposed of many double photos, & categorized what I had left.

Organization really helps to calm me.

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