Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How can Addison already be 10 months old? Her check-up was two weeks ago & she was just shy of 19 pounds. Her weight & length have both dropped in percentiles but her length is still around 75% - her head is in the 80-something percentiles though!

She still isn't very mobile (more on that later) but she has made such progress this past month! I try to write everything down in her journal but I don't feel like checking for exact dates right now. But, I think it's just been in the past month that she's learned to wave hi/bye & clap (although she's already stopped doing that as much). She still says "mama" & "dada" but dada seems to come out more when she's happy whereas mama seems to be when she's upset.

Addison is also finally army crawling. Still no real crawling, pulling herself to standing or walking, although she did seem to start to cruise a bit a few days ago. Then, today I went to check on her after I'd put her down for a nap & she was sitting up in her crib! Yep, 10 months old & finally went from a laying down to sitting up position.

Speaking of which, our pediatrician is having us take Addison to a pediatric neurologist this week for an evaluation. She was very clear that there may be absolutely nothing to be concerned about & that Addison is just a bit delayed in using her legs. But, just in case there is anything she wanted us to have her checked out.

She's ruled out any vascular, developmental, & bone problems but said that if anything is wrong it is probably in the neuromuscular area, thus seeing the neurologist. The ped also pointed out that Addison was reaching other milestones early & has always had a very strong upper body so she may just not feel the need to use her legs as much yet.

I'm not worried but I am interested to see what the neurologist has to say. The appointment is this Friday at 11:15 & we'd appreciate your prayers. Hopefully he'll be content just doing the eval & send us on our way!

Pictures from Orlando last week: Addison with her three-year-old cousin Gregory

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