We left around 7 Thursday morning & drove to Orlando. We spent Thanksgiving day at my parents just laying around the house, eating, watching the parade, & walking in our lovely Florida weather. At the Sherwoods house that night we may've only had around 25 people there for dinner but we had 16 PIES. Yes, 16!!!
Friday morning I did not go out & brave the crazy crowds, I waited until around noon & that's when my mom, Addison & I went to our favorite, Target.
Later in the afternoon Ray & I met up with Nick, Heather, & Kelley for a quick visit at Starbucks & then went to my grandmothers new place for a visit. I think we finally got home around 8:30 that night.

Saturday morning we were up & at the park around 9 am to play soccer with friends. Yes, you read that right. I played soccer. For the first time in my life (hence the sore muscles mentioned earlier). My dad didn't have to sound so shocked when I told him. :) It was a lot of fun though & I think we have plans to do it again in about two weeks.
Saturday afternoon we had the twins birthday party. I can't believe all of these babies are turning one! Laura really did a nice job with the party, too. After the party we made a quick stop at Ray's moms & then ran some errands.
After getting home I went back out to Target & got some stuff for Addison's party. Saturday night we wathched The Holiday & I worked on the favors for her birthday party next weekend. I think I'm in denial that she'll be one in just five days!
Yesterday morning we had church, came home & I went to, yes, Target, this time for groceries. We also went up to Ray's dad's later in the afternoon. We got to see their new donkeys (they now have four miniature donkeys) & we had a yummy dinner of turkey stew (gotta use those Thanksgiving leftovers!).
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