Thursday, November 01, 2007

To answer comments from previous posts...

I made Addison's costume myself which is why you haven't seen it anywhere else. I found the fabric at Walmart, the hat at Target, & got the stickers from a Starbucks store. The apron was so easy to make. The problem with the hat is that is was blue so I just covered it in black fabric. For a grand total of $2.50. You can't beat that!

And, even though I love my coffee, the costume wasn't my idea. Ray thought she should be a mug or bag of coffee or something but I wasn't sure how I'd make that. So, my mom suggested I turn her into a barista. I thought that was a nice compromise. (& much easier to make!)

As far as why I wasn't able to keep my old blog url you can refer to an older post on the subject:

So, I changed it (the url) quickly this morning & then tried to create a new blog at my old address, just so it would direct you to my new url (make sense?). Well, it turns out blogger won't let you use underscores in your url anymore so I can't even make a blog entry at my old address!

In order to get all of my archives onto this blog I didn't create a new blog I just changed the address of my old one. Unfortunately, I did that before I knew that blogger wouldn't let me register a blog with underscores anymore! At least the only difference between this address & the old one is that the underscores are gone.

Also, thanks to everyone for the compliments on Addison's costume! I'll post pictures from our eventful day later.

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