Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I think we've all recovered from the party. I've successfully made it to bed a bit earlier the past couple of nights - I kept staying up until around 1 in the morning for awhile there. That's such a bad idea for me, I get sick easier when I'm tired!

I've written all but two thank you notes for Addison's birthday gifts - that is such a huge thing not to have weighing me down! I was actually able to pass out all nine thank you notes to people at church on Sunday. I'm one of those people that have great intentions but if I don't get something done right away I tend to keep putting it off & more often then not it doesn't get done at all. Not one of my favorite traits about myself.

Today I took down the party decorations & I started to get the Christmas decorations up. I have Christmas music playing right now & it was actually cold here this morning! It was in the forties when I woke up! Ray had to leave for work but I still had enough time to run out & get a peppermint mocha while he watched Addison. That's my cold weather drink. Ruth, as I was walking out of Target into the cold with my coffee it made me think of you & our visit earlier this year! I'm really trying to save so I can come back up in a few months!

I did a bunch of laundry yesterday. I didn't mention that we picked up a new (for us)washer & dryer! They're both fairly new & in great condition. Our neighbors (the nice ones) bought the nice front loading machines & sold us their old ones for just $175! The timing couldn't have been more perfect because the heating element in our dryer seemed to be going out - bad. I could dry the towels on high heat for three hours & they'd still be wet. I hate doing laundry as it is but I realize now that I was hating it even more because it was getting to be such a lengthy process (okay, if people from a hundred years ago could hear me calling that a lengthy process they'd probably shoot me, but in this day and age we don't have twelve hours to spend on laundry all day!).

Laundry is by far my most despised of household tasks. It starts off bad with the washing. Transfering to the dryer is a little worse. Then comes the dreaded folding & putting the clothes away. The absolute most awful part is ironing. What's your least favorise chore?

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