One of the stops in the story is the town of Vanity so on Wednesday night we had vanity fair (a carnival). We had pizza, cotton candy, popcorn, games, & rockin' photo booth where everyone could dress in costume (the time period was the 1600's), & it was deicided on Saturday that Ray would be the court jester.
On the morning of the fair Ray enthusiastically had this conversation with me:
Ray: I know, tonight at the fair I can make animal balloons.
Me: But, Ray, you don't know how to make animal balloons.
Ray: No, I'll blow up water balloons & then write the name of the animal on them!
Even with this being high school campers I knew it'd be a laugh! (one year we could win pet grapes which we carried around in ziploc bags filled with water & loved it!) Sure enough, it was a big hit. I taped signs to Ray which said "free animal balloons" & even after he ran out of balloons people were asking him for them; one girl even offered to pay him! The kids got pretty creative, too. Ray made an "ape chasing a lion across the desert plains" and a "monkey sitting in a tree."

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