This morning we went to Jen & Gabe's to take them a meal & we got to see baby Gabriel! He's SO tiny! You forget so easily just how little babies are when they're born. While I was holding him Addison kept kissing his head & loving on him. It was so sweet. (no comments from anyone about her needing a little brother!) Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera! And, now I can't decide who he looks more like, but he's cute!
This afternoon Rachel brought over a bunch of food & Val came over. She's in town & we hadn't seen her in over a year! We had a nice time hanging out & chatting. It wasn't quite like old times seeing each other since we all have toddlers now but it was still just as fun!
Addison, 18 months, and me; Ruth, 27 months, and Rach; Val (6 months pregnant!), and Shane, 20 months.
Without any prompting from us, Addison & Shane started kissing each other! It was so cute! I think Addison's too young for such things. :)
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