The party went great on Saturday, though! I'm so thankful to everyone who came & supported me! I had my mom, sister, grandmother, an aunt, old friends, & blog friends who I'd only met in passing years ago.
I made these bags for some of the gifts. I still really like them; who cares what's inside as long as the packaging is cute, right?

And, other than that I got two pictures from the party. I really really meant to take more but I simply forgot. So, I'm going to shamelessly steal this photo from Hope:

My mom made some of the best biscotti I've ever had for the party. Addison loved "cotti" as well & Megan used it to get Addison to do tricks for her. Seriously. And it was quite entertaining: she'd sit, stand, lay down...she thought her reward was worth it!

I also went to visit my dear friend Renee on Friday. I hadn't seen her in months so it was nice to catch up! David made special coffee for us while I was there - he even put a heart on my mocha! Isn't that darling? (The picture is all blurry because I was having a difficult time keeping Addison from stealing my coffee)

This week we have VBS. Addison has also been on a bit of a nap strike for several days now. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't turn her into a monster while she's awake! If today goes as poorly as yesterday I don't think we'll make it to VBS tonight.
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