I did mess it up a bit on Saturday because I was just itching to make something so I used one of the pretty green & white fabrics & made myself a headband. I love it!
We drove over to the Leesburg area for the evening for Caleb's going away party (he leaves for the Air Force in a week). Starbucks was having a promotion to try their new Vivanno drink for free if you brought in a registered card. So, on our way to the party, Ray & I each tried a different flavor & neither of them were very good. It's difficult to see these drinks sticking around for very long.

Caleb's party also turned into "staff night out" for those at camp so I got to see everyone again! That's always fun, & I finally got to see Craig after what's felt like an eternity. (Yes, I really am THAT white)

There's pasture behind the house & Addison was a little afriad of the horse at first but then wanted it to hold her! (See her outstretched arms in the last picture?)

I kept falling asleep in the car on the way home, I was so exhausted! (Thankgoodness Ray was driving) It wasn't too long before we made it home, just around midnight, but it was such a LONG day. We wanted to stay the night but it just didn't work out. We didn't get to recooperate much yesterday as we had church in the morning & evening & Ray showed houses in the afternoon. Thankgoodness for $5 pizzas so I dind't have to make lunch!
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