Monday, August 11, 2008

We had another baby shower for Erin this past weekend, this one hosted by her mom & sister. I was called in to do a few decorating touches Friday night. I didn't really have anything set in stone I just came with a few things & some supplies & basically did some wall covering. We spent most of the shower in a very long room at the back of the house wear Erin's mom does her Creative Memories.

I covered the back wall with this:

And covered the built-ins holding Creative Memories products with this (they did the cute little clothesline):

Our theme were the colors pink & green. Recognize this banner? They wanted to use it again so I ditched the brown ribbon & restrung with green.

And that's pretty much all I had to do. It felt like very little but they were so appreciative. I just had fun! They really did a great job with everything else! The food was SO delicious (it really, really was!) & all of the little touches were so nice - the chocolates around the room, the fresh flowers, the dessert, & the favors.

Isn't this the cutest little cake? The best part, it wasn't just cake, it was CHEESECAKE! The same bakery that made Erin's wedding cake made this as well.

There were around 50 guests & these were some, that's right some, of the gifts.

Cute pie Ruth with her mommy Rachel & me

And, of course, we had to do another belly shot! This time Erin is around 33 weeks & I'm around 23 weeks. Do we look much bigger?

No Addison pictures this time! I was able to go sans toddler - woohoo!

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