Thursday, September 11, 2008

I had my glucose test last week to test for gestational diabetes. I'm always a wreck wondering if I'm going to pass; my sugar was higher than I wanted it to be last time so I was afraid I'd end up with diabetes the second pregnancy. I was supposed to hear from the midwives on Monday if it was too high; it's now Thursday, so unless they just forgot to call it looks like I'm in the clear!

We also settled on a due date of December 3rd, which makes me 28 weeks and 1 day. I have three different due dates that span a week; according to my lmp I'm due on November 30, Addison's birthday; according to when we conceived I'm due on December 7th; and according to the ultrasound I fall right in the middle, December 3rd.

All I know is that I'm counting down until I reach 37 weeks (8 weeks and 6 days to go!). On November 12th I'm in the clear to have the baby I plan to do everything I can to get her out! It's not because I'm tired of being pregnant - I love being pregnant. I'm already sad that I won't be able to feel her kicking in a few months. I just don't want this baby to be born

a. close to Christmas
b. on Addison's birthday or
c. over Thanksgiving.

That's why I think mid-November is sounding nice.

I also seem to follow some of the big cliches of pregnancy. I do get horrid morning sickness but it does "magically" clear up at the end of the first trimester. The second trimester is fabulous & I have SO much energy & forget that I'm pregnant! Now that I'm at the end of the second trimester I have a very sudden drop in my energy levels. I mean drastic, which, I know, can come with the third trimester. The baby is also starting to do some great rolls & pokes in my belly instead of just little kicks so it's getting more difficult to forget I'm pregnant.

And, to answer the question I've been asked more times than I can remember: No. We don't have any names picked out yet.

Any suggestions?

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