First of all, I must tell you, it's 38 degrees October! That's just unheard of. We were expecting to possibly reach record lows last night. Is it really necessary to say that I've just made myself a delicious hot mocha topped with homemade whipped cream?
Okay, with that out of the way, I'll FINALLY post about the craft fair.I really didn't expect to take this long to get to it, but I really busted my butt last week getting last minute items made to take with me. So, I neglected house work (I didn't do dishes for a solid week!) & cooking (we ate frozen pizza twice last week) & I put in some very early mornings.
By the time Sunday rolled around I was exhausted but had another busy day ahead. Today is the first morning since that I've actually set my alarm. Monday night I slept nearly 10 hours! I never sleep 10 hours.
Anyway, the craft fair was fun but definitely way too small & not advertised enough. There were only 15 vendors (some with great stuff!) & we only got around 50-75 people who came through, & they were people who just happened to be walking by, they weren't looking for a craft fair (I think most were there for Guavaween). So, without the crafty crowd you don't really get the crafty sales.

We did have a fabulous booth, considering our space & what we had to work with. We were provided a covered area & a table, which was great since we didn't have a tent or a table and we had items from three vendors (me, my mom, & Megan)! We also brought mom's bakers rack (which Ray & I saw along the curb on her street awhile back & got her to snatch up).

Honestly, it would've been great to make sales but I didn't walk away too disappointed. It was a great experience & gave me the confidence to know I could do an actual much larger scale craft fair. We have some great ones coming up in our area next month but I don't want to push it with being so close to my due date.

My grandmother did come along & save the day for me, buying gifts for others! So, at least I broke even. Megan actually did quite well with her prints, considering the small crowd. Plus, one of the other vendors (the best one there) asked Megan to photograph her wedding in March! You must check out Megan's photos on flickr.
Honestly, you should check out her pictures from the craft fair, too, they're much better than mine.
After church on Sunday, Ray, Addison, & I went to Ray's cousin's 5th birthday party. They had a bounce house/slide combo in the backyard that totally freaked Addison out at first. The day before was our Sunday School picnic so she only napped about 20-30 minutes all day & then she was up a bit through the night (she seemed to be having bad dreams about ants in her bed) & we had to wake her up in order to go to the party. So, tired Addison = grumpy-no-fun Addison.

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