We found some great stuff at the sales! For $10 my mom bought us a dresser/cabinet for Addison's room & it's made such a HUGE difference already. I'm much better at putting her clean clothes away now that I don't have to stuff them into a craft cart in her closet.
Mom also bought me 4 DVDs for $10 (I love movies), I found 2 pairs of shoes for Addison for $1, & we also bought her some clothes.
On Sunday morning we went to church & my parents went back home. When we arrived home from church the house was CLEAN!!! It made my day. I don't expect my parents to clean for me but, at the same time, I know they usually will. It was such a relief to be able to relax.
We went to Ray's dad's in the evening & his step-mom made a delicious dinner (as always) & the guys took Addison over to walk the field & see the miniature donkeys. She was exhausted & crawled onto my lap & fell asleep! She NEVER does anything like that! The baby did not like Addison laying on my stomach & we ended up picking her up & moving her to a pillow on the floor - she never woke up.

Now, I've been busy trying to get ready for a craft fair next weekend that Megan & I are doing together. Yep, I'm no where near ready. A two-year-old doesn't make it easy to sew!
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