Sunday, December 28, 2008

As you can probably tell I've been much too busy to post. We did have can excellent Christmas, which began with my parents coming over Christmas Eve day. Matthew had to work so he & Megan weren't able to make it over until around 10:00. So, for "dinner," we had all of this food for 4 people:

We also watched The Family Man & when that was over It's A Wonderful Life was on tv. I'd wanted to pull out some of the games we have stashed up in our closet, but I was so tired & ready to get in bed by 9!

Megan & Matthew meeting Kate on Christmas Eve:

My girls on Christmas morning (photo courtesy of Megan):

I LOVE that photo, & my impatient self almost didn't give Megan the time to take it. I was standing next to her, rather impatiently, waiting to get Addison dressed. I'm so glad I didn't rush her!

We opened gifts around 8:30 & I think we may have had more fun telling people the deals we got on our gifts then receiving the gufts themselves! We don't give each other many gifts & we are also a family of quality bargain shoppers - this is one reason I begin my shopping a year before Christmas rolls around.

We spent a grand total of about $5 on Addison & she thoroughly enjoyed it! Her favorites were the sparkly glitter cup I put in her stocking & the coloring book & crayons. She was so excited to color & methodically pulled a crayon out, tested it on the book, & laid it down - see the neat row of crayons next to her?

Ray bought me The Office: Season 3 (because, you know it goes on sale at Target for just $13 after Thanksgiving) & I bought him two new polos, which were on clearance, for all of $11. If I can't make a good gift for someone I at least like to get something nice at a great price! I was so excited about The Office & finished watching it last night.

A family photo:

After Christmas morning with my family we spent the rest of our time at Ray's dads where we enjoyed an absolutely fantastic meal made by his mother-in-law. Addison had so much fun playing with the necklace we got her Aunt Sarah for Christmas, petting the animals, & rocking in the little rocking chair they have set up for her.

Addison also decided that anything little & square-like is her "camera" & she kept holding it up to her face & saying "cheese!"

It was such a lovely Christmas!

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