Kate will be two months old tomorrow & seems to have begun teething already! A few days ago I noticed she had begun to drool so I checked her gums & could feel a little pointy part & see a bit of white. Poor thing. I've heard of babies teething this early but didn't expect this for Kate.
The girls seem to mostly be better - Addison still has a bit of a runny nose & a cough that mostly flares up when she's been laying down. Kate is still quite congested. I seemed to be better & then started to get a stuffy nose again last night!
Ray spent over 12 hours away on Saturday, but not for work, for play at the football tournament. Sunday he walked in the door from church right as I was changing Kate. I had never seen a diaper like this in my life. She'd been laying down on her stomach & the poop stretched all the way down her leg to her foot & all the way up to her armpit. I suppose it was yet another side effect from her cold. It was awful. I took a picture but I'll spare you.
Ray simply told me that I could pump a bottle one day & leave the kids with him & go out for the day. I love that man!!!
I was too anxious to wait for a day when I could take all day & instead went out for three hours yesterday. First stop was JoAnn Fabrics where I perused the fabrics at my leisure without any kids fussing or trying to run away. There was a Ross next door so I went just because I could. I also tried on two shirts that I knew I probably wouldn't buy, just because I could.
Next I went to Barnes & Noble & sat drinking my coffee & browsing through magazines. After that I stopped at Claire's & bought two barrettes on clearance.
I must say, it was wonderful! I could get in & out of the car at lightening speed; I listened to the music in my car very loudly; I held the door open for other people with strollers; I took the escalator; I used the single personal stall in the bathroom; I took my time!
But, in the end, it's always nice to see my girls.
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