Monday, March 16, 2009

This post is really just for my mom who always reminds me that I need to update my blog. :)

The girls & I were hit with a bit of the sniffles/low grade fevers last week. Addison & Kate's were at the beginning of the week, mine didn't start until Friday night. It's not bad, but Addison was so congested that it made her throw up after going to bed Monday night.

All of a sudden she started screaming & we went to her room & it was all over her bed, comforter, pillow, night clothes, in her was also her first time ever throwing up so I think it was a bit traumatic for her. It also created a lot of midnight laundry.

Anyway, we're just trying to get back on track this week.

BIG NEWS: Ray got a job!!!!

It's only part-time & it's not a career making job, but it's something. And, it can be done from home. It's with Hilton hotels, making reservations over the phone. So, not only will this be the first time in nearly six years that we'll regularly be receiving some kind of paycheck, but we can now stay in Hilton corporate owned hotels for FREE!!!! We're very excited about that, especially since the Waldorf Astoria in NYC is a corporate owned Hilton.

I'm very proud of him because they said that about 1000 people apply for the job and they only hire 40. Plus, they still had about two weeks of interviews left, but they hired Ray the day after he interviewed!!!

Now, my mom already knows all of that stuff, so I'll post what she really wants me to update with, pictures.

Addison all ready for church yesterday morning. She squeezes her eyes shut when she knows I'm going to take her picture because of the flash (even though it didn't even go off


Daddy made her laugh!

I love this candle holder at Anthropolie. It's been on clearance for weeks for $50 - they need to lower the price!!!

Kate, chilling in the stroller at the park

Addison swinging with her daddy

And, one more of serene little Kate. Last week she became quite the pro at rolling from her back to her stomach!

Unfortunately, tonight, Chuck is a repeat. But, I do have a delicious pot roast cooking in the crock pot!

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