Friday, June 12, 2009

I've found web hosting gold!

Everyone knows that I like to do a few creative things on the side but I've never really put true solid devoted effort into the venture. It's amazing how much motivation a go-nowhere-barely-pay-the-bills job can give you. So, I've been making a list & trying to put substantial work into getting a few things going with my crafty items. Last year I checked the domain I wanted & it wasn't available. I've checked again recently and the domain name is now available!

Today I discovered Web Hosting Geeks, a site devoted to finding and ranking the best web hosting sites out there. They appear to be a good site, they've even won some web hosting awards. I'm glad I haven't purchased my domain yet, I'm looking forward to perusing the site to see what option will be the best fit for me - it's nice to have the information for price and features and ranking all in one place online.

They also rank things such as best e-mail hosting and best blog hosting, something I'm sure a lot of you might find interesting and from which you could benefit. I'm sure I'll keep you posted as to what I decide to do about my web domain, but first I have some research to do!

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