Tuesday, February 16, 2010

For Valentine's day Caroline offered to stay with the girls so that Ray & I could go out. We went & sat at Barnes & Noble for a few hours that night; it's one of our favorite (free) dates - sitting together & reading.

As I said Kate kept waking up that night & when we got home from our date she was laying on the sofa with Caroline. It was so cute!

I've arranged my schedule this week so that I don't have to work too much while Caroline is here but it was still a little busy yesterday. So, last night Ray also didn't have to work so he stayed home with the kids while Caroline & I went out. She treated us to dinner at Tijuana Flats (one of my favorites!) & to ice cream at the movies. We saw Valentine's Day - cute & good but nothing near as good as Love Actually! It would be tough to top that movie.

Today I made sure not to have any work, not even piano. We went to the mall for a little bit & got coffee (twice) at Target. Caroline always gets me a gift card to Starbucks when she comes down & I've been putting it to good use! (Have I mentioned it's still really cold here???)

Tonight Ray is working so Caroline & I are having a girls night in - romcom, assorted cheeses, fruits, spinach dip, Greek kalamata olives & iced drinking chocolate. If you're going to party at home you might as well do it right.

In other news, Rach & Con are home with Adam! Actually, when you use the birth center you only stay for a few hours after the birth so they've been home since last night. He weighed in at 8 pounds 10 ounces & 21 1/4 inches long!!! What a big boy! I've only seen some photos & he is so incredibly adorable! I'm using all the self-control I can not to bother them so I haven't talked to Rach yet. I always try to give my friends at least two days to settle in before calling (although I did break down & call today when I saw her updating facebook but wasn't able to chat at the time) but I'm definitely looking forward to that visit & getting to hold the little man for the first time! I know it's not my baby & I'm not even related to them, but I get really excited & happy when my best friends have babies!

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