Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yesterday was Caroline's last day with us. I worked a couple of mornings she was here, figuring it wouldn't matter much as it would give her a chance to sleep in anyway. After work we took the girls to the park so that they could burn off some energy & take a good nap!

Addison & Kate really didn't seem to know what to make of Caroline hanging upside down

Late in the afternoon we drove Caroline over to her hotel in St. Pete., where she plans to have a few days all to herself - as we were dropping her off a few days alone sounded so nice I was wishing I could stay!

Driving back from St. Pete we were close to the area where Ray used to work when we got married. There was this little hole-in-the-wall burger place that he used to go to that's quite good. We decided to see if it was still there & we had an impromptu family dinner! Addison loves lemons &, despite the faces, Kate seemed to like them too & would go back for more.

Today I get back to the daily grind. Working 7-3:30 & then piano this afternoon. I'm not-so-secretly happy that one of my students today has had to cancel. Then, if all goes well tonight & the girls fall sound asleep while Ray is working, I'm going to sneak off to Rach's so that I can finally meet Adam!

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