Because we didn't book any of our own hours this week the plan was to pick some up from other people at the company giving their hours away (like I said, this is a very flexible job). HOWEVER...
I think we've both enjoyed a full week-long reprieve from this job. This was also Ray's first week going full-time at his other job. He's been doing work for an old friend from high school; Ray got in when he was starting things up a few months ago. It's really picking up & getting busier & the guy needed Ray to go full-time. We prayed about it & it seems like the right decision. It's not a huge position so we won't be able to quit our reservation jobs, but we will be able to cut back on hours. Right now, unless we figure out a way to work simultaneously, it doesn't seem feasible for Ray to continue both positions. But, I'm cutting back from 34 hours a week down to 30 - I'm pretty happy about that! :)
Anyway, I've cooked many meals this week, done a bit of sewing & spent more time with the girls. I'm also taking advantage of more time & getting in some girl time with my friends! Yesterday, after my glucose test, I stopped by Rach's to visit for a few hours. Addison was very happy to go see Ruth & I got to snuggle little Adam. What a sweetie! He's looking so different already & is so alert watching everybody.
Today, Ray's mom ever-so-kindly came over to watch the girls & I took Erin out for her birthday lunch (while her mom watched Claire). We went to TooJay's & enjoyed potato skins, BLT's & french fries & then to Starbucks for some coffee. The best part was several hours of uninterrupted adult conversation! I seriously had so much fun & if we'd had our way I'm pretty sure we could've talked for hours more.
It turns out my dad was in my area to film something today so he stopped by for a couple of hours this evening & joined us for dinner. I pulled up the curtain at the front window so the girls could look outside & watch for "Poppies."
I'm still teaching piano this week but, other than that, it pretty much feels like I'm on vacation! Ray's putting in 10-12 hour days with his other job but I'm enjoying being a full-time stay-at-home mom this week. :)
nothing like a little time with adults to re charge your battery.
glad youre having a good week off.
I'm so happy you're getting a break :)
Yay for getting a break!!
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