Sunday, March 07, 2010


Today has been really wonderful. Due to a computer glitch at our company we never built a schedule for this week so we didn't have to work at all today. (we make our own schedules & they can change week-to-week; if we don't book the hours then we have no work. We're just going to have to try to pick up some shifts from other people who don't want to work this week) Ray usually works Sunday morning & I work Sunday afternoon between meetings at church. I was going to try to pick up hours to work today until Ray started talking about how nice it was that we didn't have to work today. :)

So, after church this morning we decided to grab a quick lunch at Sam's. Addison wanted to see Grandma so Ray called her & she happened to already be at the Sam's right by our church so we went & met her there. While we were finishing up Con & Rach came over with their growing brood to eat! It was such a fun impromptu lunch, I've so missed being able to fellowship like that.

After Sam's Ray called an old high school friend who lived in the area but whom he hadn't seen in 8 years. So, a few minutes later we pulled up to his house & stayed for about an hour! He just finished residency & all & is a pulmonologist; he & his wife were really sweet & they have two girls just a few months younger than ours.

After leaving there I sat in the backseat with the girls, desperate to keep them awake until we got home so that they'd take a solid nap. It worked & as soon as we got home I went back out to get a few things. One of those things was a booster sear for Addison! Poor Kate has needed to switch to a "big girl" seat instead of the rear-facing car seat & it's just something that kind of snuck up on me. Her poor feet have been getting more scrunched for awhile but I always forget about it. So, when we left for the evening meeting we surprised the girls And had their new seats ready for them - Addison's booster & Kate in Addison's old chair. They were both pretty happy! Kate seemed to love finally being able to really see out of the window.

We told Kate to smile - such a ham!

Erin & I both had nursery duty at church tonight & the only kids in there were Kate & Claire - easy peasy! It gave us a nice chance to catch up for a bit. I always feel better when I can have nice chats with friends, I find it to be very uplifting & it can totally change how well my day goes!


Tricia said...

Oh my goodness, in that last pic, Kate looks like pictures of me at that age!

amy said...

They look so big and comfy! I better get Ally in a booster seat, especially if she finds out Addison is already riding in one! I thought I had to wait until she weighed 40 lbs!


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