Another Date!
Seriously, did we even go on this many dates before we had kids?
Ray's mom knew that neither of us had to work tonight so she offered to have the girls spend the night with her so that Ray & I could have some time alone. I think we're going to head over to Barnes & Noble for a bit!
Today I'm 39 weeks and 3 days - wanna see the difference in two weeks?
How low can he get before deciding to be born? (like his little bum pointing out at the top there?) Not to mention, I'm ginormous! Actually, I don't feel too big until I see a picture of myself (or my reflection in the mirror). I've gained less than with either pregnancy so far, 32.5 lbs. (yes, the half counts!). With Addison I gained 38 & with Kate I gained 34. However, I also started off this pregnancy 3 lbs. heavier so I'm right in between the weights I was at when the girls were born. Last week at my 39-week appointment rather than measuring at 39 weeks I measured at 37.5 weeks because he's so low.
Yes, you may've noticed I've posted more details like that this pregnancy. That's mainly because throughout the girls' pregnancies I ddi a great job at keeping actual journals. This time, nada. So, I figure at least I can have the info here if I ever want to compile it later.
I'm really looking forward to taking the kids to the movies tomorrow morning (we're meeting Erin & Claire there) but I also can't help but think this would be a convenient night to have the baby. The kids are already at grandmas so we don't have to risk them waking up in the middle of the night AND I know that Andrea is on call!
I'll be praying that tonight is the night!
I hope tonight s the night too! You have such a beautiful baby belly! It's so neat to have all of your pregnancies chronicled on here. I'll have to do that with my next one. :)
Low and ready to go! I hope baby comes tonight too :)
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