Thursday, July 08, 2010


I'm beat today. This was the first day this week I had the van so I took Clay with me & went to a couple grocery stores before Ray had to start work this morning. At noon I had my two week check-up and then we had another baby-related appointment at 2:15. Because Ray was working I had all of the kids with me and it fell right upon lunch and nap time. Each appointment also took over an hour. By the time all of the driving & appointments were factored in we were gone for 5 hours! In between the appointments I had to stop to pick up something at church, we stopped at Target so I could grab the girls a quick bite to eat & on the way home I had to stop at the library to get a book that had come in for me.

All of the lifting of the kids in & out of the van and chasing after them at each place sufficiently wore me out. Thankfully they fell asleep quickly tonight so while Ray worked the night shift I took Clay with me for a little coffee & decompression time.

Anyway, over the weekend Clay's umbilical cord FINALLY came off - it took 12 days! It's so nice to finally be able to give hime a real bath instead of sponge baths.

Just for fun, I used some of my birthday money for a teeny bit of cheap retail therapy. Actually, my travel eye shadow & blush both broke recently and I needed some new ones. The Target by my parents has a much better selection of make-up than mine!

I love new make-up!


Tricia said...

Does Kate need some Maemae time so you can get some rest?

Hannah said...

He's precious! Yay for new make-up!!


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