Monday, December 27, 2010


That was the scene in our room 6:30am Christmas morning. Thank the Lord my parents were kind enough to keep the girls entertained for an hour after they woke-up so that Ray & I could sleep a little longer.

Addison was bouncing with excitement, I can't imagine what she would've been like if she thought Santa was bringing her presents, too!

It was so much fun having little kids around for Christmas morning, all excited & everything. Kate was enjoying herself but Addison was really into it this year, I don't know if I've ever seen her so giddy! Clay slept through everything (having woken himself up for awhile in the middle of the night when he rolled over in his sleep!) & didn't wake up until a little later in the morning.

Addison received the memory game, princess edition & Kate got the color wonder markers & paper (you know, the markers that only color on the special paper. She tried them right away & colored a little on the paper & then immediately tried to color on the carpet. Yes, Kate, Mommy is smarter than you & knew what antics you would try with markers!

Addison wanted to play memory with my dad

The girls also each received a Barbie from my parents, the one gift for which they asked.

Each of the girls received an ornament in their stockings as well as one of those plastic candy cane shaped containers filled with candy. Kate desperately wanted the candy but I told her she had to wait until after breakfast. She decided take matters into her own hands by trying to cut open the candy cane with the pretend pizza cutter from their kitchen set.

Once we did open the candy cane she accidentally spilled the candy all over the floor - FREE FOR ALL!!!!!

We had bacon & leftovers from the night before for breakfast. Here's a look at the snacks from Christmas Eve.

Me, my mom & Kate

Around noon my parents took off for the beach & we left for Rays' dads' place for Christmas lunch & more presents. We also walked to properties over to his dads' land (where the house is being built) & visited all of the animals: 9 miniature donkeys, two horses (including a white one with blue eyes names "Sky") & two miniature horses-the baby is only two months old & the girls got to ride the mommy miniature horse!

The girls also had a hay fight

Me & my very white son, Clay, or, "Frosty the Snowman" as ray called him.

The girls both received their own comfy chairs as well as wedding shoes & flower headpieces from Rays' dad. They loved them & played with them a lot.

We were so incredibly tired that night that Ray suggested I stay home from church with the kids the next morning. I sent Addison to church with Ray so she could go to Sunday School but Clay has started turning himself over in his sleep & waking himself up at night. So, I was up for a bit with him that night but then ended up sleeping until 9:45. Kate was ready for a nap again at 10:00am!

I was so tired on Christmas that my shoes looked like this:

And, I didn't notice for a good three hours!!!


Unknown said...

what! no santa? i was starting to think i was the only mom around who didnt promote the guy in the red suit.

nice to know im not alone.

Jessica said...

I didn't do Santa as a kid but Ray did & he loved it.

So, when Addison asked me last month if he was real I told her no. However, she still likes the fun of it & went to go see him at the mall but we didn't do the whole leave cookies for him or make a big deal that he'd bring her presents in the morning.

She seems to think of it as a fun pretend game, like her princesses. :)


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