Saturday, January 22, 2011


In the midst of cleaning out my closet this week I came across lots of old journals. This is one of my first ever journal entries from when I was six-years-old:

Date: January 21, 1990 Weather: 85 degrees

I had a good day. It was my dads birthday.

Seeing as this week was my dads' birthday I found it rather appropriate timing for finding this entry. Also, I want to note that this is one reason blogging is good for me. I began keeping journals when I was six. I have stacks of them now shoved away & I haven't truly journaled in a book in years. Can you imagine how many journals I would have if I still hand wrote everything?!? (Can you imagine how devastated I'll be if my electronic entries ever get erased???)


Lisa said...

We lost Oct - Dec (2005) when the Diary-X servers crashed and killed our Canada blog. I was devestated and learnt that one must back up more often than every quarter.

Jessica said...

Can you believe I've NEVER backed up my entries? Now I'm thinking I need to!

Lisa said...

Yeah, I back up my journal regularly now - although Blogger seems to be a far more stable platform that Diary-X was.


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