Sunday, May 01, 2011


Eight & a half years of blogging & today marks my 2000th post!

We've spent a lovely weekend going back & forth to Fort Desoto beach to celebrate a friends' marriage. I took lots of wonderful photos - the bride & her father walking down the aisle, the first kiss, Clay asleep on Priscilla, me with old friends, Chelsea & Liz, the girls dancing, me & the bride in her lovely gown...I wish I could show you the photos. That was my plan.

Instead when we went back to the beach for the beach hang-out the day after the wedding I walked the girls across the lawns to go to the bathroom. It wasn't until we'd gone a good distance that I realized I was carrying my camera. When we got to the teeny tiny single stall available in the restroom I set the camera on a shelf next to me.

By the time I finished taking everyone to the bathroom, washing their hands, carrying one girl, holding the hand of another & carrying their beach cover-ups I didn't realize I had forgotten my camera until I was back at the pavilion.

It all probably happened within ten minutes, but, by the time I made it back to the restroom my camera was gone. I wasn't surprised, I had just been holding onto a tiny shred of hope that it would still be there. I held onto that hope as I walked around to every single picnic table & pavilion asking everyone I could find if they had found a camera. Not that I really expected anyone to be honest if they had found it, but, I wouldn't have felt like I tried everything if I didn't ask.

I was so bummed to lose all of the wedding photos. Thankfully, I had just uploaded all of our other photos before we left for the wedding on Friday. This may not be so significant except that I hadn't uploaded the photos since October!!

Now we're on the hunt for another nice little point & shoot. The one we had was great, though, a four-year-old canon power shot with nice clear photos.

I hate that I lost all of those photos, the wedding was lovely & they had a fun beach BBQ afterward! Complete with bounce house, slide & photo booth. Not to mention lots of fun times with old friends!

1 comment :

amy said...

That really stinks. I'm so sorry!!


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