Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Today was so much better than yesterday. Actually yesterday evening after posting on facebook that it'd been a rough day, I started feeling better & better as the evening wore on. I do believe that people were praying for me; it does made a huge difference, you know.

I'm working again tonight & sneaking in a bit of birthday party research at the same time. I can't believe Clay will be one next month. NEXT MONTH! I'm still in a bit of denial over it, I didn't even realize his birthday was so close until I started planning it tonight.

I find it to be rather bittersweet when your baby isn't much of a baby anymore. Does anyone else feel that way? I still find the toddler/preschool time to be so much fun, especially watching their growing personalities, but, that tiny baby period is so sweet.

Anyway, I'd been toying with the idea of an ice cream themed birthday party (it will be summer, after all, & ice cream is delicious & fun with all of those toppings!). Then, a couple of weeks ago, Heather had an ice cream party for Isabellas' third birthday! It turned out super cute & she told me it was really easy to plan.

I think I'm going with the ice cream theme, but, does anyone else have any ideas/suggestions?

1 comment :

Lisa said...

Ice cream theme is GREAT :) We will be serving cake at B's - ours is a winter theme (snowflakes) :)

And I agree - definitely bitter-sweet. I was in tears sorting through the baby clothes the other night. B has shot up out of them and we are having no more babies :(


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