Monday, August 22, 2011

A New Chapter

With our "official" start to school today I've re-written our daily routine. I don't like to call it a schedule, that sounds so rigid. Routine implies flexibility. Really, we're flexible!

(I need new markers, the fine tips on mine have disappeared!)

This board stays on our refrigerator, offering me a guideline for our day. Really, it helps me to keep a bit of sanity. It's nothing new, I've had a "schedule" written out for us for a long time, but, I'm always (always!) changing it to accommodate whatever is going in our life.

I figured the beginning of school was the perfect time to rewrite our routine. And, while it's still very flexible (some days we have to go to class, some days we have gymnastics, errands to run, piano lessons in the afternoon, etc.) I'm going to really strive to stick to getting our school work accomplished, regardless of our other plans for the day.

I know most families naturally fall into some kind of routine for their days; does anyone else keep a written schedule, too? (or, am I the only crazy one?!) I know several other homeschoolers read this, what do you do as far as a daily routine?


Vickie said...

Yes, it looks very flexible. You're just like I was! I'll be praying for you and your little pastry chef and banker.

Georgia said...

congratulations on your first day of school with kids.We followed routine/schedule for 2 or 3 weeks and then it stayed with us.We don't need a written schedule anymore.J is very good in keeping up with it.I find as we practice it falls in its place on its own.We have a different home rules and schedules for the weekend and we all follow them after few weeks of practice.Keep it up and it will fall in its place.

aliann said...

I have just made up a new schedule for us as well. It is my natural tendency to shun the idea of a schedule because I end up changing it so much as I go along, but this year is busy enough that I think we really need to try to stick with it! If I ever get around to writing another blog post I was thinking of posting our schedule too. Emmaline really loves the schedule and it helps me be sure to get everything in for both older kids and create some good routines for the younger two.
Have a great school year!

Jessica said...

Thanks, all! I find the same thing, Allison, with all of the kids it really helps me to be more accountable. You may notice everything is in thirty minute blocks - we must account for tantrums, potty breaks, diaper know. :)


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