T-minus Three Days
Tonight was our final tutor meeting before the semester begins next Tuesday! While I'm still new to the group & getting to know everyone, I think I won them over with the homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting I brought to the meeting! Really, I wanted carrot cake. But, if I make it, I don't have the self-control to stop eating it. Get togethers are the perfect excuse for me to get to bake (I love to bake!) & enjoy the treats without over indulging.
Wait...is this post about my obsession with sweets or the upcoming school year?
Yes, school. We took this past week off from our school activities (mostly because I needed the break & the extra time to lesson plan for my class as well as our weeks at home, the little ones are used to their routines & kept reminding me that we hadn't done our school for the day!) & we'll resume our new school routine this Monday.
Which brings me to more baking because the first day of school calls for First Day of School Blueberry Muffins. (yes, yes that is their official title) My mom always made the most delicious blueberry muffins with a streusel topping for the first day of school & I've been thinking about them for at least a week now, anticipating the first day of school! (also, shame on you blogger for not having streusel in your dictionary & telling me I have a misspelled word!)
Tuesday will be our first official meeting with our group & I'm so excited!! The tutor meeting tonight was wonderful & pretty much calmed any nerves I had about material I wasn't sure about. I'm a believer that some nerves are a good thing, they keep you from being over-confident. I think over-confidence usually leads to blunders!
So, I'm calm with a few nerves about our first meeting. It's not the kids that make me nervous, it's more the parents. Whenever there are adults around when I'm leading something (Sunday School, Bible Study, etc.) it always makes me more nervous. I think I sometimes feel like I'm still a kid, too!
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