Saturday, November 05, 2011


Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it.  ~Author Unknown

Today was another glorious day. The weather was perfect and Ray took the girls to the air show for 11 HOURS while I stayed home with Clay. It was so fun getting to spend the day with him! I really feel like I get to know my kids better when I get some one-on-one time with them.

I was also afforded that elusive thing called timed today. Time to get things done - like run errands to multiple places and take just a little more time to look around and make wise buying decisions. Also, time to organize. I hate when things aren't organized. I firmly believe that our kids have way too many toys (Ray doesn't share this view with me). I find that they take everything out & once they're not organized the toys are not played with as much.

And, futile though it may be, I organized the toys again today. And, while it will probably be a disaster by Monday, it sure makes me feel good to see the tidiness tonight.

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.  ~Phyllis Diller

1 comment :

Lisa said...

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. ~Phyllis Diller"

Oh so totally apt! I love how right after I mop the floor, one of them spills something :)

Am jealous of your organisation right now. My house is a bomb-site! :)


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