Yesterday, Lisa left a comment asking me if I would share what our daily routine looks like. I call it a routine, because, it sounds so much less rigid than schedule. Even though, technically, I do have a schedule written out on a white board on our refrigerator, we're quite flexible. Keeping a written schedule helps me to stay on track while we're at home instead of wandering around aimlessly wondering, "what should we do?"
So, on a day we're home, our routine looks something like this:
-Wake-up, get dressed & read our Bible lesson during breakfast.
-Circle time. We pray, sing, read an instructional book (we've read kids devotionals and right now we're reading a book about manners), work on scripture memorization and then read "just-for-fun" books
-Next are some school lessons. We start with our history timeline memorization. Next might be one-on-one reading time with Addison while the younger two play together. Then, we might review our Classical Conversations weekly memory work together. We also do a math lesson, work on writing, etc. We also play games like Memory & do puzzles together.
-Once school work is complete we go for a walk or play at the park. If we need to run errands this is also when it will happen. (I'm trying to get the kids to take the hint: the sooner you finish your school work, the sooner you can go play! I think they'll realize this more the older they get)
-After we get home I make lunch while the kids play. After lunch is rest time, usually from 1-3pm. (yay! rest time=coffee time for me) Clay takes a nap, Kate plays in her room & Addison plays in my room. I usually fold laundry, clean, or work on a project.
-After rest time we have snacks & the kids play and/or work on a project (coloring, painting, puzzles) and I make dinner.
-Ray leaves for work at 6am so he gets home around 4:45. One of us will start work for our job making reservations at 6pm, which, means we eat an early dinner around 5.
-After that, whoever isn't working, is the lucky person who gets to clean the kitchen & get the kids ready for bed! (ha!)
And, that, is roughly what our day looks like when we're at home. Tuesdays we actually go to class, Thursdays we have gymnastics, Friday afternoons I teach piano & we have play dates now & then. That's why I love flexibility!
What does your day look like?
Thanks heaps. I like seeing how other people manage :) Our days are flexible too (in blog) but I want to add devotions now that my girls are starting to get older :)