Friday, February 10, 2012

Tweet Treat Valentine Party

Today was our third annual Valentine party! Our theme this year was "Tweet Treat" because last year I was able to get those themed items on clearance after the holiday!

This invitation background is taken from a roll of wrapping paper I recently picked up at the Target dollar spot. I also used it for the food table decor and for some of the heart decor on the toothpicks. I picked up another roll of wrapping paper that spelled out "love" over & over.

The "Tweet, tweet" birdie decals were some of the clearance items I found last year.

Chocolate Nutella Hearts

How cute are these printables I found to label the food?!?

Iced drinking chocolate for the mommies! I took leftover paper & cut into little flags to attach to the straws.

This banner was made with felt heart ornaments. I bought them on clearance after Christmas, just three for $1! (These are the same kind of hearts I used for the Valentine Window Display)

I was so happy to find these cute printable water bottle labels!

I found the idea for the party favors on pinterest (oh, how I &hearts pinterest!). Huge marshmallows dipped in white (Ghirardelli) chocolate & valentine sprinkles. I used these perfect printables and attached them to the bags of the favors. These were a big hit with the kids!

I also used the felt hearts as silverware holders at the kids' place settings and to hang from the chandelier.

The party was complete with a Valentine exchange (lots of candy!) and crafts. After everything was over Kate told me, "That was such a fun party, mommy." And, that, tells me it was a success.


  1. Super creative and cute! Your mother has taught you well!

  2. Wow!! What an amazing job you did! I love all the decor. So creative and beautiful!
    The marshmallows are so cute! I hope you don't mind if I borrow that idea. It would be the perfect treat to send to school.
