Friday, April 06, 2012

Date with Kate!

Last night it was my date night with Kate. I think it's so important to have one-on-one time with your children. I love seeing the look on their faces when they realize they have your undivided attention!
Kate, all ready to go out.
Oh yes, do you notice that Kate now has bangs? The other week Addison decided Kate needed bangs so that they could be "twins." I was devastated as I loved the way Kate's hair was before. I still haven't taken the time to properly trim the bangs, either, so what you see is the work of Addison. Not too bad for a five-year-old!
Kate wanted to go to Target and get a cookie. She then wanted to go to Publix, get a cookie & ride in the "driver cart." (That monstrous cart that kids just love because it looks like a car. Oh boy!) We settled just for Target where she received a HUGE cup of whipped cream from Starbucks, a cookie from the bakery & then took her time looking at the toys.

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