Friday, July 27, 2012

A Night Off

I'm making myself not work tonight.

We're just 2.5 weeks until orientation, 3.5 weeks until the official start of our Classical Conversations school year.

I'm getting to the last of my purchases (I've been getting some amazing buys, too!), but, it seems like something else always comes up that I didn't realize I need.

The good thing is that I still don't feel overwhelmed by everything. I really enjoy so much planning and managerial work & I love it so much more than when we were working for Hilton. What a difference it makes doing something for which you have a passion!

A friend at CC is my collaborator on science & art but, for my first year, I can't seem to bring myself to completely relinquish everything. Plus, if I feel intimidated by something I like making myself do it, otherwise I'll always have an unrealistic fear. Not to mention, do you know how much fun it is to do all of that shopping for supplies and not worry about breaking the bank?!

Seriously, though, I have so much leftover supplies from previous years so I pulled all of the bins into my living room. I've been adding my purchases & the pile is rapidly growing. Last night I finally decided to buckle down & pull out all of the supplies I'll need for the next 24 weeks of science & art so that I can put everything else back into storage. I also began grouping into containers which supplies I need for which week so that I'll be ready for the tutor meeting at my house in a few weeks.

I worked on it for several hours last night & was at it again at 7 this morning. I've probably put in a good 8-9 hours just sorting so far! I'm being rather meticulous about it, though. It feels good to make so much progress!

I also had a web meeting this afternoon. It's exactly what I could hope for "working from home" - I was able to attend the meeting while feeding the kids, cooking & tending to any issues that arose - so much different from our years isolated in the back office!

As great as everything is going, I still needed break tonight. I'd love to be watching the Olympics opening ceremonies, but, we still don't have a tv! Instead I'm enjoying Pandora & ate an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's Half Baked! Absence really does make the heart grow fonder - I don't remember the last time I ate Half Baked & it was a delectable!

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