Monday, July 09, 2012

Monkey Bizness

There's a new little shop opening at Wiregrass mall this weekend called Monkey Bizness - a huge play area for kids with a cafe for the parents to sit & relax while the kids play. $8 per child for unlimited play! There's even an art room if the kids prefer that instead.

I had stopped by the mall last week & the store wasn't open yet, but, they were giving tours & had openings for free preview parties to train their staff. I was all over that! I was able to get enough friends from church together for the "party" yesterday afternoon.

The kids had a blast! Actually, the adults had a lot of fun, too. Since the place isn't officially open yet the cafe was closed & we all went & played with the kids.

These were the BEST & fastest slides!

It was so nice to have a play date when the dads could join us, too!

After the play time we were taken to the party room & the kids had coloring pages and cupcakes. One of them commented, "This is just like Sunday School!"

We all had an excellent time! It was really nice having so few kids on the floor so I know this really would be a fabulous place for a birthday party. (Especially in Florida - you get to be in the a/c!) You can find more pictures here.

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