We are finally making significant progress on transforming our old office into the girls bedroom!
We took down their old beds in their old room back in MARCH and after beginning assembly of their new bunk beds we decided that they should change rooms completely. The biggest hurdle is that the office looked like this:
If you're really thinking about it you'll realize this means that the girls haven't had a room/bed in almost 6 months. Yes, they've been sleeping in our bed & Ray & I have been sleeping on the sofas & guest bed. Not what I had really counted on when we decided on the room switch.
I'm very excited that we're fially making significant progress! Last week Ray ripped up all of the carpet & today he took out the baseboard & began painting the walls.
The girls really wanted pink. We found one of the lightest possible pinks.
One coat down and one step closer to getting my room back!
Yay! Great progress happening.